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单词 remember
释义 remember /ri'memba(r); li'membV/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, C, 7A, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16B, 19C] have or keep in the memory; call back to mind the memory of: 记得; 忆及: I can't ~ his name. 我记不起他的名字。 I ~ed (- did not forget) to post your letters. 我(那时) 未忘记要为你寄信。 / ~ posting your letters (= have the memory of that act in my mind). 我记得为你寄过信。 I ~ having heard you speak on that subject. 我记得曾听你谈论那题目。 Do you ~ where you put the key? 你记得把镜匙放在何处吗? I ~ her (— picture her in my mind) as a slim young girl. 我想起她那时还是个搬弱的小女孩。 Please don't ~ this unfortunate affair against me, don't bear it in mind and, for that reason, be unfriendly to me. 请不要把道不幸的事记在心里怨恨我。 'Have you ever met my brother?'—'Not that I ~ .' I don't ~ having met him. '你见过我哥哥(弟弟) 吗? ' ' 我不记得曾见过他。' 2 [VP6A] make a present to: 赠与: Please ~ the waiter, don't forget to tip him. 别念了赏侍者小费。 I hope you'll ~ me in your will, leave me sth. 我希望你在遗尊中对我有所遗赠。 3 [VP14] ~ sb to sb, convey greetings: 问候; 致意: Please ~ me to your brother. 请代向令兄(弟) 问候。




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