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单词 remove
释义 remove1 /ri'muiv; ri'muv/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from), take off or away from the place occupied; take to another place: 自原来位置拿开; 取去; 移蓟: ~ one's hat/coat; 脱帽(上表); ~ one's hand from sb's shoulder; 把放在某人肩上的手移开; ~ the cloth from the table; 把桌上的桌布拿掉; ~ a boy from school, eg because of ill health. 适一男孩休学 (如因健康不佳)。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from), get rid of: 除去; 排除: ~ doubts/fears. 消除疑虑(恐惧)。 What do you advise for removing grease/ink stains, etc from clothes? 你有什么好办法除去衣服上的油渍(墨水渍等)? 3 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from), dismiss: 免职; 开除:~。 man from office; 免除一人之职务; ~ a Civil Servant. 将一公务员革职。 4 [VP2A, 3A] go to live in another place (move is more usu): 移居(move 比 remove 常用): We're removing into the country next week/removing from London to the country. 我们将于下周迁到乡下 (从伦敦迁到乡下)。 5 ~d from, distant or remote from: 远篠的; 关系甚远的: a dialect equally ~d from French and Spanish; 与法语和西班牙语关系同样疏远的一种方莒; an explanation far ~d from the truth. 与事实相距甚远的一种解尊。 6 ~d, (of cousins) different by a generation: (Jg堂、表亲)相隔一代的: first cousin once ~d, first cousin's child. 堂侄; 表侄。 removable /-sdl; -sb!/ adj that can be ~d (esp of a magistrate of other official who can be ~d from office at any time), 可移动的; 可除去的; (尤指官员)可撤任的; 可免职的。 ~ r n 1 (esp) person who follows the business of moving furniture when people ~ (4). (尤指)搬场业者; 搬运像具者。 2 (in compounds) sth that ~s(2): (用于复合字中)用以除去或排除之物: superfluous hair ~ r. 除去多余毛发的药剂。 removal /-vi; -vl/ n [U] act of removing: 移动; 除去; 搬家; 免 : the removal of furniture; 像具之搬运; (attrib) (形容用法) a re'moval van (for furniture): 搬运车; the removal of dissatisfaction; 不满情绪之排除; [C] instance of removal. 移动、除去、移居、搬家、免职等之实例。.




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