放弃~权waive one’s immunity/限制主权~原则restrictive theory of sovereign immunity/要求管辖~claim immunity from the jurisdiction/档案~ immunity of archives/关税~immunity from duty/管辖~immunity from jurisdiction /(国家及其财产的)管辖~jurisdictional immunity (of states and their property)/国家~state immunity/免于法律诉讼的~immunity from legal process/居所~immunity of the residence /捐税~ immunity from taxation;tax exemption/军舰~immunity of warship/民事管辖~immunity from civil jurisdiction/诉讼~immunity from suit/司法程序~ immunity from judicial process /私有财产~immunity of private property/外国国家司法~权immunity from suit of foreign states/外交代表~权immunity of diplomatic envoys/外交~(权)diplomatic immunity/~(作为外交特权的) 使馆人员的司法管辖~权和税收~权immunity of the embassy from local jurisdiction and taxation/外交房舍~immunity of diplomatic premise/无限制~ unqualified immunity/行政管辖~immunity from administrative jurisdiction/刑事管辖~immunity from criminal jurisdiction/刑事责任~immunity from criminal liability/有限制~ restrictive immunity/执行~ immunity from execution/ 职能~functional immunity/主权~ sovereign immunity/住所~ immunity of the domicile /作证~ immunity from giving testimony/《联合王国国家~法》United Kingdom State Immunity Act / 《美国外国主权~法》United States Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act/~法 immunity act/~捐税exempt sb from taxes/~区exempt zone