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❶ (眉毛) eyebrow; brow: 浓 ~ 大眼 with big eyes and bushy eyebrows; heavy features
❷ (书页上方的空白处) the top margin of a page: 书 ~ top margin
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 寿 Mei Shou
◆眉笔 eyebrow pencil; 眉飞色舞 beam with joy; smack one's lips; a look of exultation; brighten up with joy; exultant; one's eyebrows dancing; 眉高眼低 adopt different attitudes and masures under different circumstances; 眉花[欢]眼笑 From the corners of one's eyes a beaming smile spread over one's whole countenance.; 眉睫 the eyebrows and eyelashes; urgent; imminent; 眉开眼笑 look cheerful; a beaming countenance; be all smiles; beam with delight; beam with joy; face melting in smiles; 眉来眼去 exchange love glances with sb.; exchange glances of silent understanding; flirting glances between sexes; flirt with each other; make eyes at each other; exchange amorous glances; cast sheep's eyes at sb.; leer at sb.; wink at each other; 眉毛 eyebrow; brow; 眉毛胡子一把抓 try to grasp the eyebrows and the beard all the same time; try to attend to big and small matters all at once; 眉目 features; looks; logic; sequence of ideas; essential; 眉目传情 send speechless messages (with one's eyes); cast glances of love; flash amorous glances; flirting glances between sexes; give the eye to ...; make eyes at...; send messages of love to sb. with one's brows; make an ocular intercourse; send speechless messages of love; They sent their love back and forth by their glances.; 眉目含情 Her eyes wore an expression of coquetry.; with an expression of coquetry in one's eyes; 眉目交往 exchange meaningful looks with each other; 眉目 sign of a positive outcome; prospect of a solution; 眉目不清 poorly organized; unmethodical; 眉批 notes and commentary at the top of a page; 眉清目秀 have beautiful [delicate] eyes; bright eyes and graceful eyebrows; handsome; with fine features; 眉梢 the tip of the brow; 眉舒目展 stretch out the eyebrows and open the eyes — a pleased expression; One's knitted brows smooth out.; unknit one's eyebrows — to feel happy at success; 眉题 overline; 眉条 crassulae; bars of Sanio; 眉头 brows; 眉头紧锁 One's eyebrows knit in a frown.; One's brows knitted.; with knitted brows; 眉头一皱,计上心来Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem [brilliant idea].; A ruse grew up behind the knitted brows above one's eyebrows.; As he frowns thoughtfully, an idea strikes him.; 眉心 between the eyebrows; 眉眼 eye and brow; looks; features; 眉眼传情 cast amorous glances; 眉眼高低 an expression on the face; adopt different attitudes [measures] under different circumstances; 眉宇 [书] forehead; 眉语目传speaking with one's eyebrows and giving a hint



brow; eyebrow; supercilium(pl.supercilia)





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