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单词 赤手空拳

赤手空拳chì shǒu kōng quán

armless; bare handed; defenceless ; empty-handed and unarmed;have no weapons ; with naked (/bare) hands and empty fists ; unarmed
❍ 听你所说,好像预备一打天下似地,这终归于徒劳的。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》304) From what you say it seems you're proposing to take on the whole world bare-handed,which would be to no purpose at all. / “毁了!”~的石得富心里有点急了,……(柳青《铜墙铁壁》 177) "Finished!" the defenceless Defu said to himself. He was beginning to get worried.
❍ 咱们~,打得过人家? (袁静 《新儿女英雄传》8) How can we beat them empty-handed?/吴七插嘴问道:“庄稼汉~的,拿什么东西起义呀?”(高云览《小城春秋》32)"“But they had no weapons," Wu the Seventh interrupted. "How could they rise up?"/自然,现在是 “敌人未到” 的,但假使一到,大学生们将一,骂贼而死呢,还是躲在屋里,以图幸免呢?(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—177) Of course,so far "the enemy has not come." But suppose he does,is it better for unarmed students to curse the invaders and die,or to hide indoors and try to escape with their lives?/赵立明自嘲似地笑着说: “再忙也得抽出时间翻翻……咱还能再一去打仗吗?” (艾芜 《百炼成钢》 342)Chuckling,Zhao Liming replied: "No matter how busy I am,I must find some time to study these.…How can I go all out fighting a war with empty hands?"

赤手空拳chì shǒu kōnɡ quán

赤:空。两手空空,不拿一件武器。也比喻毫无凭借,或手里一无所有。bare-handed, unarmed, armless, defenceless, have no weapons





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