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单词 lash
释义 lash2 Ise/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 2C] strike violently; make a sudden movement of (a limb, etc): 猛击; 打; 踢; 突然摆动 (肢体等): The rain was ~ing (against) the windows. 雨击打着窜子。 The tiger ~ed its tail angrily. 那虎怒摆其尾。 He ~ed his faint-hearted men with his tongue. 他抨击他怯懦的部下。 He ~ed the horse across the back with his whip. 他用瘢抽打马背。 2 ~ sb into (a state), rouse into: 煽动: The speaker ~ed his listeners into a fury. 那演说者煽动听众,使之愤怒。 ~ out (against/at sb/sth). attack violently (with blows or words): 攻击; 抨击: The horse ~ed out at me, kicked or tried to kick, me 那马 (想) 踢我。 The speaker ~ed out against the government. 那演说者抨击政府。 3 [VP15A, B] ~ one thing to another; ~ things together, fasten tightly together (with rope, etc). (用绳骨) 将一物与另一物牢系在一起。 ~ sth down, make it secure with rope, etc. 捆紧某物。' ~-up n improvised or roughly constructed piece of apparatus. 临时拼凑的游具。




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