cleanad. completely,entirely完全地,全部地 △Oth.1.3.366 (359):“it is clean out of the way.”那是全不对的。 △Com.1.1.133:“Roaming clean through thebounds of Asia,”游遍了亚洲各地的边疆。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.2.111(96):“Your lordship. though not clean past youryouth,have yet some smack of an age in you,”大人,虽然还没有完全度过青春年华,可你也有点上年纪了。(按:age 一词又作ague=sickness.) △R.Ⅲ.2.4.60:“And beingseated,and domestic broils/Clean overblown,”而一旦登上了王位,内战也完全平息了。 clean[kli:n]adj.& adv.清洁的(地),纯洁的(地),清楚的(地),完全的(地),彻底的(地)v.弄干净,洗净,直接击球 n. 不切草皮的打法 ◇ clean away 擦去 clean down 刷干净,洗净 clean out 清理,清除 clean up 扫除,清理,廓清 clean upon 击败…,胜过… /come clean招供 cut clean through 看透 ‖ clean acceptance 不带保留条件的承兑,无条件承兑 clean air policy 空气洁净政策 clean and jerk 挺举 clean and jerk with the left arm 左手单臂挺举 clean and jerk with the right arm 右手单臂挺举 clean and press推举 clean bill 光票 clean bill bought 购光票 clean bill of collection 光票托收 clean bill of draft 不附提单的汇票 clean bill of exchange 光票汇票 clean bill of health 健康合格证明书 clean bill of lading 清洁提单 clean cargo 好货 clean catching 干净利索的抓球动作 clean collection 光票托收 clean credit 信用往来 clean document 清洁单据 clean draft 普通汇票,光票 clean effects(没有解说词的)电视背景音乐 clean effects mixing(没有解说词的)电视背景音乐混合 clean energy 清洁能源 clean game 犯规少的比赛 clean government 廉洁政府 clean handed 清白的 clean hands 行为清白 clean hands doctrine 根据 clean hits 干净利索地一击 clean,honest and self disciplined 廉洁自律 clean letter of credit 光票信用证 clean loan 无抵押贷款 clean negotiable bill of lading 清洁可转让提单 clean pass 妙传 clean payment credit 光票付款信用证 clean payment letter of credit 光票付款信用证 clean proof 清样 clean pull from floor 地上翻 clean pull from knee height 膝上翻 clean rate 光票利率 clean record 不败记录 clean remittance 光票汇款 clean sheet 清白历史 clean shot 空心球,漂亮的射门 clean steal 安全偷垒 clean sweep 获全胜 clean swing 利索的摆动动作 clean to the chest 高翻 clean-up hitter 第四号击球员 clean-up man第四号击球员 clean-up trio 扫垒安打三人小组 cleaning house 票据交换所 cleaning house account 清算所账户 cleaning house margin 清算所保证金 cleaning member 结算会员 cleaning rod 通条 cleanable adj. 可清扫的 clean-cut adj. 形态优美的,轮廓鲜明的 cleaner n. 清洁工人,清洁剂 cleanly ad/. 爱清洁的 cleanly established ownership产权清晰 cleanness n. 清洁,改善 cleanser n. 清洁剂,清洁工人 cleanses n. 垃圾 cleansing n. 洁肤 |