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单词 clear


△H.VIII.3.2.97(96):“This candleburns not clear”,这支蜡烛燃烧得不够明亮。
△Mer.2.9.42:“clear honour”,光辉的荣誉。
△Mid.3.2.60:“Yet you,the murderer,look as bright,as clear,”但是你这杀人者看上去仍然那么光彩照人。
3. bright,glorious辉煌的,光荣的。
△Lr.4.6.74 (73):“Think that the clearest gods,who make themhonours/Of men’s impossibilities,have preserved.”i.e.who acquire honour to themselves by doing thingsman reckons impossible. (The things which are im-possible with men are possible to gods.)要想一想,那些清明无比的天神们把人类所不可能办到的事光荣地办到了,这才拯救了你。
4. pure,serene纯洁的,明朗的。
△Shr.2.1.173 (172):“I'll say she looks as clear / As morning roses newlywashed with dew;”我就说她的面色有如带着朝露的玫瑰一样明丽。
△Mac.15.72 (71): “Only look up clear;”i.e.Settle your ex-pression into one of innocence. 只消做出一副泰然自若的神情。
△Mac.1.7.17: “hath been/So clear in his great office,”处理国家大政又无可责难。
△Wiv.3.3.124(116):“If you know yourself clear,why,I am glad ofit.”如果你自己觉得一身清白,那我很高兴。
△ Mac.2.1.27:“but still keep/My bosom fanchised and allegianceclear,”而且能够长保我的心地坦荡和忠贞清白。
△2H.VI.3.1.101:“The purest spring is not so free from mud/As I am clear from treason to my sovereign.”最清纯的泉水也难免沾有一些污泥,不会像我这样完全清白无疵、丝毫没有叛逆之念。
clear from: without guilt in,not guilty of,innocentof在…无罪,未犯…方面的罪过,在…方面清白无辜。
△3H.VI.3.3.183: “That I am clear from this mis-deed of Edward’s,”在爱德华的这一荒谬行为之中,我是完全清白的。
△Tw.4.1.4:“Let me be clearof thee.”给我走开吧。 from,clear away离开,完全脱身。
△Mac.5.3.61:“Were I from Dunsinane away and clear,”要是我能从邓西嫩远走高飞。
△Ham.4.6.19: “On the instantthey got clear of our ship,”霎时间他们的船离开了我们的船。


△As.1.1.180 (171): “this wrestlershall clear all.”这个摔跤的可以解决一切。
2. get rid of,cancel摆脱,取消。
△Mer.3.2.319 (318):“all debts are cleared between you and I,if I mightbut see you at my death.”只要我能在死前见见你,你我之间的债务就一笔勾销。
3. remove除去。
△Rom.2.3.73:“The sun not yet thysighs from heaven clears,”(Sighs were thought of asproducing mist.)太阳还没有扫清你吐向苍天的叹息。


adj.纯洁的,纯粹的,清楚的,透明的,完全的,彻底的 adv.显然,清楚地,完全 v.弄干净,洗净,收拾,弄明白,宣布无罪,澄清,清理,清除,销售,削价处理,清偿,结清,支付,结关离港,文件送交审批,通过,批准,越过,准备出港,驱逐
◇ as clear as a bell (day,day light,day bright,glass,room,moonday)一清二楚
be clear of摆脱,除掉
clear as mud 莫名其妙的
clear away 收拾掉,清除掉,消失
clean away 擦去
clean broke 身无分文,一文不名 clean down 清理,清除,洗净
clear for flying 许可飞行
clear of suspicion 消除嫌疑
clear off走开,处理,清理出来,清偿
clear out 腾空,倒空,清洗,清理,清除
clear the air (atmosphere)澄清事实,消除误会
clear the battlefield 扫清战场 clear the deck 准备行动,准备战斗
clear the obstacle 飞越障碍
clear the runway 离开跑道
clean the slate 给…免除义务,勾销往事 /... clear the table 打扫战场
clear the way for 为…扫清道路
clear through 通过
clear to go 准许起飞
clear to land 允许着陆
clean up 扫除,清理,偿还,净赚,解释
clean upon 击败…,胜过… /come clean 招供
cut clean through 看透
get clear of 脱离
get clear out 完全出来
in clear 用一般文字
in the clear 无罪,不受限制
keep clear of 避开,不接触,免去
make oneself clear 表达清楚
‖ clear a bill 兑现票据
clear a hurdle 过栏
clear a paper 审批文件
clear a way 扫清一条通道
clear abreast 并列而无冲撞危险
clear acceptance 无条件承兑,单纯承兑
clear ace直接得分球
clear ahead 绝对领先
clear an account 清账
clear and bright 清明
clear astern 绝对落后
clear away 扫清
clear benefit 可得净收入的义演
clear circle 腾身回环
clear cognition 明确的认识
clear collection 光票托收
clear commercial profit 商业净利润
clear day 结算日
clear days 完整工作日
clear evidence 明显的证据
clear expenses 收支相抵
clear flute 嘹亮笛音栓
clear height 净高
clear house 票据交换所
clear income 净收入,纯收入
clear instruction 结算通知书
clear majority 绝对半数
clear message 明码电报
clear notion 清晰的概念
clear of the water 露出水面
clear on area 拉开空档
clear oneself from debts 清偿债务
clear out 拉出
clear pass 精确的传球
clear path 毫无阻碍的前进路线
clear profit净利润,纯利
clear proof 确证
clear stage随时可供演出的舞台
clear the ball 破坏性顶球
clear the bar 过杆
clear the bench 替补队员全部上场
clear the block spike 避开拦网扣球
clear the block 离开起跑器
clear the course 清理水道
clear the debt 清偿债务
clear the line 打开通路,打开线路
clear the water 排水
clear the way 开道
clear up a case 侦破,破案
clear up a doubtful point 析疑
clear up pension payments in arrears 补发拖欠的养老金
clear watch 回表
clear water无障碍物的水面
Clear Words to Illustrate the World 喻世明言
clear working day 完整工作日
cleared export declaration 结关出口申请
cleared to land 准许着陆
clearing account 清算账户,结算账户
clearing agency 清算代理处,票据交换所
clearing agency participant 结算机构参与者
clearing agent 报关代理人
clearing agreement 结算协议书,清算协定 clearing agreement trade记账交易
clearing and compensation agreement 清偿协定
clearing arrangement 清算协定
clearing balance 结算余额
clearing bank清算银行
clearing bearing 安全方位
clearing center 票据交换中心
clearing cheque 交换中支票
Clearing Consultative Panel 结算咨询小组
clearing contract 期货交易,清算交易
clearing corporation 票据清算公司
clearing currency 结算货币
clearing current capital 清算流动资金
clearing debts 清算债务
clearing dollar 清算美元
clearing exchange slip 外汇结算单
clearing expenses 清算费用
clearing fee 结算费,清算费
clearing fines 结算罚款
clearing form 结算方式
clearing fund 清算基金
clearing house 结算公司,票据交换所
clearing house account 结算公司账户
Clearing House Automated Transfer System (CHATS)票据交换所自动转账系统
clearing house cheque 结算支票
clearing house credit-ticket 票据结算公司贷方传票
clearing house department 票据交换部门
clearing house due bills 票据交换所到期票据
Clearing House Electronic Subregister System (CHESS)结算所电子附属登记系统
clearing house gold certificate 交换所黄金证券
clearing house items 票据交换所清算项目
clearing house loan certificate 票据交换所贷款证
clearing house margin 结算所保证金
clearing house proof 票据交换所决算表
clearing house service 票据交换所业务
clearing house settlement sheet 票据交换所清算表
clearing house statement 票据交换所报表
clearing margin system 结算保证金制度
clearing medium 清算手段
clearing member 结算会员
clearing of a fault 排除故障
clearing of accounts 非现金结算
clearing of bills 清算票据,交换票据
clearing-out sale 清仓削价销售
clearing participant 结算所参与者
clearing pass 高挑传球
clearing price 结算价,清算价
clearing rate 清算汇率
clearing returns 交换清单
clearing revenue 清算收入
clearing services 票据交换业务
clearing settlement 结算
clearing sheet 交换清单
clearing stamp 亲收图章
clearing standard 清算标准
clearing sterling记账英镑
clearing system 清算制度
clearing target 清算指标
clearing the puddles 掌握好漩涡间隔
clearing union 国际收支清算组织,清算同盟 clearage n. 清除,清楚,清理
clearance[ˈkliərəns]n. 清除,清算,批准,许可,结关,票据交换 clearance account结算账户
clearance certificate 结关单,结关证明书
clearance depot 结关货物
clearance fee 出港手续费
clearance for flight 飞行许可
clearance for takeoff 起飞许可
clearance formalities 出境手续
clearance inwards 结关入口
clearance kick 解除危险的球,解围
clearance margins 结算保证金
clearance notice 出港通知
clearance of goods 报关,货物结关
clearance operation 扫雷作业
clearance order 拆除令
clearance outwards 结关出口
clearance outward 离岸结关
clearance papers 出港单
clearance paper 出港许可证,结关单
clearance permit 出港证书
clearance price 清仓大减价
clearance procedure报关手续
clearance proof 票据交换证明
clearance restriction 净空限制
clearance sale甩卖,清仓大拍卖
clearance settlement 到期结算
clearance stride 跨栏步
clearance to land 着陆许可
clearance without delay 立即扫清门前
clear-cut adj. 轮廓清楚的,明确的,确定的,鲜明
clearer n.(票据)交换员,清除器
clear-eyed adj. 目光锐利的clear-headed adj. 头脑清楚的
clearly adv.清楚地,明白地,明显地
clearly defining property rights 产权明晰
clearness n. 清楚,明白,清晰,明朗,晴朗的
clear-sighted adj.敏锐的,聪明的
clearway n. 超高速公路





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