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单词 betray
betray/ bɪ′treɪ/ vt

(1) 背叛,违背 (be disloyal or unfaithful to) [T+n]:~one's country/the working class/one's friends 背叛祖国/工人阶级/朋友;His best friend~ed him. 他最好的朋友背叛了他。feel~ed 感到被背叛了;~the king's trust by organizing a rebellion组织叛乱而辜负了国王的信任;~the tradition/one's principles/one's promise 背叛传统/原则/诺言;

(2) 泄漏,向……出卖 (give away or make known sth (esp a secret))[T+n T+n+prep(to)]:Never~a confidence! 绝不要泄漏别人的知心话!~state secrets/the news/sb's hiding place (to a friend/others) (向朋友/别人)泄漏国家机密/消息/某人的藏身之处;~one's friend/sb's plan to the enemy 向敌人出卖朋友/某人的计划;The name was strictly private, never to be~ed to a stranger.这个名字是完全保密的,决不要泄漏给陌生人。〖同〗reveal,disclose,expose,uncover,show;〖反〗hide,conceal,cover,keep;

(3) 显(暴)露出(show a sigh of (sth that one wants to hide) without intending to) [T+n T+that T+wh(尤what), C+n+to-inf]:(one's eyes/one's red face/one's voice)~one's secret delight (眼睛/涨红的脸/说话的声音)显露出内心的喜悦;(one's remark)~one's fear/one's nervousness/one's lack of concern (话)暴露出害怕/不安/不关心;The redness of his cheeks~ed confusion.他绯红的脸颊暴露出他的窘迫。The look on her face~ed her real feelings.她脸上的表情显露出她的真实感情。Her red face~ed her drunkenness/her nervousness/her to be drunk/her to be nervous/(the fact) that she was drunk/that she was nervous.她涨红的脸说明她喝醉了/紧张(这一事实)。Her red face~ed what she was thinking about她涨红的脸显示出她的心事。learn never to~one's anger学会生气不露相;〖同〗reveal,disclose,expose,uncover,show;〖反〗hide,conceal,cover;

(4) 暴露出本相(show what or who one really is; show the real feelings or intentions of sb/oneself)[T+n (oneself)]:She was in disguise, but as soon as she spoke she~ed herself/but she~ed herself by speaking. 她化了装,但一说话就自我暴露了/但说话暴露了自己。He tried to seem angry, but his smile~ed him.他极力装出生气的样子,但脸上的微笑使他露了馅。

→ be′trayal n 背叛,出卖;be′trayer n 叛徒





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