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单词 倚老卖老

倚老卖老yǐ lǎo mài lǎo

capitalize on being advanced in age; come the old soldier over (sb);exploit (/flaunt) one’s seniority; presume on one’s age (/seniority); take advantage of one’s seniority(old age) (to ignore manners,regulations,etc.);pride oneself on being a veteran
❍ 今年文坛上的战术,有几手是恢复了五六年前的太阳社式,年纪大又成为一种罪状,叫做“~”。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—176) Some of the fighting tactics in literary circles this year are replicas of those used by the Sun Society five or six years ago,for age has once more become a crime. This is known as“exploiting seniority”./紫娟飞红了脸,笑道: “姨太太真个~的!”(《红楼梦》738) Zijuan flushed and flashed back,“You’re presuming on your age,madam!”/正心疼肝断,无计可施,听莺儿如此说,便~,拿起柱杖向春燕身上击了几下,…… (《红楼梦》757) Inwardly fuming,she had not known how to retaliate until Yinger made this joke. Now,presuming on her seniority,she raised her cane and struck her niece several blows.
❍ 他可是卖了力气,虽然明知跑不过后面的三个小伙子,可是不肯~。(老舍《骆驼祥子》 143) …knowing very well that the other three were all faster than he. Yet he was unwilling to make age an excuse for going slowly and put all his strength into run ning.
❍ ~就~! 他还能在世上活七十几吗? (柳青《创业史》309) Wang took full advantage of the privileges of his old age. He wasn’t going to remain on this earth another seventy years,was he?/这不是~吗?这叫人怎办哩!(柳青《创业史》125) Of course he’s trying to beat me down with his seniority in our clan. What shall I do?

倚老卖老yi lao mai lao

take advantage of one’s seniority or old age (to ignore manners,regulations,etc)


show self-importance for being aged;flaunt one’s seniority

倚老卖老yǐ lǎo mài lǎo

倚仗自己年纪大,卖弄老资格。show self-importance for being aged, flawnt one’s seniority, pride oneself on being a veteran





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更新时间:2025/3/3 7:18:52