释义 |
倚马可待倚马千言yǐ mǎ kě dàidash off a piece of writing in no time while leaning on a horse;have a ready pen ❍ 请日试万言,~。(李白 《与韩荆州书》) Please try to dash off a lengthy essay some day while leaning on a horse. ❍ 桓宣武北征,袁虎时从,被责免官,会须露布文,唤袁依马前令作,手不辍笔,俄得七纸,殊可观。(刘义庆《世说新语·文学》) When Huan Wen went on his northern expedition,Yuan Hong was at the time accompanying him,but after being reprimanded for some fault had been relieved of his post. It happened that Huan needed a conspicuous sign proclaiming his victory. Summoning Yuan,he ordered him to write one,propped against the front of his horse. Yuan’s hand did not leave off writing until in one dash he had filled seven sheets of paper,all extremely beautiful to behold. 倚马可待yi ma ke daican write at the side of a horse—can write very fast 倚马可待yǐ mǎ kě dài倚:靠着。站在战马前起草文书,一会儿就写好。形容文思敏捷。quick literary thinking and ability, have a ready pen, wield a facile pen |