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单词 色厉内荏

色厉内荏sè lì nèi rěn

be inwardly weak though formidable in appearance; be outwardly strong but inwardly brittle; fierce of mien (/visage) but faint of heart; stern appearance hides a timid heart; with the face of an eagle and the heart of a chicken
❍ 他看着马秉仁那种装腔作势、狂妄自大、~的丑恶姿态,从心底里感到厌恶,不由得轻蔑地冷笑起来。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》23)Ma acted,bragged and maintained a stern appearance but he was weak within. Wang was so nauseated by his behaviour,he could not help laughing contemptuously.
❍ 色厉而内荏,譬诸小人。(《论语·阳货》)He who puts on an appearance of stern firmness,while inwardly he is weak,is like one of the small,mean people.
❍ 王翁真今日正人,某等固已敬服,犹谓~,故示怪以相撼,而翁若不见不闻,自是不敢循旧态矣。(《不怕鬼的故事》31) Now you are indeed a true man! We admire you profoundly! Thinking your stern appearance might hide a timid heart,we resort to various strange antics to try to you; yet you seemed neither to have heard nor seen us. We shall not dare repeat this performance.


fierce of mien but faint of heart;threatening in manner but cowardly at heart

色厉内荏sè lì nèi rěn

色:脸色;厉:厉害;荏:软弱。外表厉害,但内心软弱。fierce of mien but faint of heart; outwardly strong but inwardly weak, appear fierce, but weak inside





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