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(别的) another; other: 好啦, 睁开你 ~ 一只眼睛吧。 Now open your other eye. 那完全是 ~ 一回事。 That's quite another matter. 他们住在马路的 ~ 一边。 They live on the other side of the street. 我再给你举 ~ 一个例子吧。 I'll give you another example. Ⅱ (另外) in addition; moreover; separately: 全文 ~ 发。 The full text will be dispatched separately.
◆另册 the other register; 另当别论 another pair of shoes; another cup of tea; different cup of tea; horse of another colour; 另函 a separate letter; write another letter; 另寄[邮] post separately; post under separate cover; 另外 in addition; moreover; besides; other; another; 另行 separately; at some other time; 另眼看待 look upon one with special respect [fondness]; treat sb. with special regard; 另眼相看 regard sb. with special respect; look at sb. with quite different eyes; pay special regard to ... ; regard with special attention; view sb. in a new, more favourable light; look at sb. in a different light; see sb. in a new light; treat sb. with special consideration; view a person in quite a different light than one does the rest of the people; 另议 be discussed separately





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