句ɡōuⅠ [书] ❶ (弯曲) crooked;winding;meandering;curved ❷ (谦虚) modest;self-effacing ❸ (恭敬) respectful Ⅱ [书] ❶ (勾销) strike out;write off;liquidate ❷ (查考) investigate;try to ascertain;do research ❸ (搜取;捕捉) track down and arrest;hunt ❹ (逗引) lure;entice Ⅲ ❶ [书] (指草木初生拳状的幼芽) tender bud ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 中正 Gou Zhongzheng 另见 see also ɡòu;jù。 ◆句龙 a surname; 句章 a surname
句jùⅠ (句子) sentence: 并列 [复合,简单,省略] ~ compound [complex;simple;elliptical] sentence; 造 ~ form a sentence;sentence-making Ⅱ (用于语言): 两 ~ 诗 two lines of verse; 一 ~ 话也没说 not utter a word; 我来说几 ~。 Let me say a few words. Ⅲ (构词成分): ~ 鑃 [- diào] an ancient musical instrument 另见 see also ɡōu。 ◆句段 syntagma; 句法 sentence structure;{语} syntax; 句号 full stop;full point;period (。) (.); 句句是假 The statement is entirely inconsistent with facts.; 句句是虚 not a word of truth; 句句有理 Every word sounds reasonable.; 句型 sentential form;sentence pattern; 句子 sentence |