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单词 另眼相看

另眼相看另眼相待;另眼看待lìng yǎn xiāng kàn

look at (/view) sb in a different (/new)light; look upon (/up to) sb with special respect(/fondness); treat sh with new respect (/special regard)
❍ 不过仗着这些功劳情分,有祖宗时,都另眼相待,如今谁肯难为他?(《红楼梦》91) ❶I Because of these services,he was treated with special consideration in our great-grandfather's time and nobody likes to interfere with him now.
❷Because of these one or two acts of heroism he was always given special treatment during Grand-father's lifetime; so naturally we don't like to upset him now.
❍ 谁觉得奇怪呢?但若写在小说里,人们可就会~了,恐怕大概要被算作讽刺。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—134) No one finds this in the least strange.But if you were to put this into a story,men would judge otherwise,and it would almost certainly be called a satire.
❍ 党也好,团也好,过去都有这样一个不好的传统,就是一听说这个人是党员,是青年团员,就放心了,什么问题也没有了; 一听说是非党员非团员,马上就~。(《周恩来选集》上—326) Both in the Party and in the League,we used to have a bad habit: as soon as we heard that such-and-such a person was a Party or Youth League member,we relaxed and trusted that porson completely,but as soon as we heard that so-and-so was not a Party or League member,we immediately looked askance at him or her.
❍ 徐总经理对朱延年另眼看待,想拉他进星二聚餐会。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—242) This had made Xu Yide begin to look at Zhu Yannian in a different light and he had had the idea of getting him into the Tuesday Dining Club.
❍ 这年月,戴着这么好的洋表,会教人另眼看待!(老舍《茶馆》11) Nowadays,if you carry a foreign watch around,people will treat you with new respect.


regard or look up to sb with special respect;view sb in a new and more favorable light

另眼相看lìnɡ yǎn xiānɡ kàn

用另外的眼光看人。形容对某人或某事非常重视;也形容过去不重视,现在重视起来。regard sb. with special respect, treat with respect, look sb. with respect





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