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单词 耀武扬威

耀武扬威yào wǔ yáng wēi

arrogant and over—bearing; arrogantly throw one’s weight about; bluff and bluster; brandish one’s sword (/bayonet); come the heavy over sb; lord it over; make a (big) show of one’s strength (/might/powers); make an exhibition (/a display) of one’s might and prowess;mount (/ride) the high horse; swagger about (/around)
❍ 革命军一来,他们照旧~,工人们恨透了。(陶承《我的一家》 10) After the arrival of the Revolu tionary Army,the British and Japanese in Changsharemained as arrogant and overbearing as ever,and the workers hated them more than ever./ “表面上~,骨子里贪生怕死!”(吴强《红日》23) “All bluff and bluster on the outside,but in their bones they’re afraid to die! ”/马前喝道,前呼后拥,好不威风气势,~,何消得晓得“天地玄黄” 四字。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》173)Then attendants would have a retinue before and behind,with much pomp and glory and display of might,even if he were barely literate.
❍ 俺大臣尚自谦让,量一县令手下小卒,安敢在此~! (《三国演义》45)We high officials are too meek and yielding. Here is the petty follower of a small magistrate daring to flaunt his prowess before us!/太阳将近西斜,从陆屋去钦州的这一群人马,~地进城门,随即分了手。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—196) The sun was beginning to sink in the western sky when the small army of armed escorts from Luwu marched majestically into the walled town of Qinzhou. There they separated into two groups.
❍ 我去时,正在雷将中间,~,……(《西游记》94) When I arrived,he was just making an exhibition of his might and prowess in the midst of the thunder deities.
❍ 延大喜,遂同马岱引兵直取南郑。姜维在南郑城上,见魏延、马岱~,风拥而来。(《三国演义》912)So they marched together towards Nanzheng,where there was Jiang Wei. From the bridge he saw their approach and marked their proud,martial look.
❍ 对强者它是弱者,但对弱者它却还是强者,所以有时虽然吞声忍气,有时仍可以~。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—150) Weak inthe face of the strong,it seems strong enough to those weaker than itself; so although sometimes it has to suffer in silence,at others it still shows its might.
❍ 次日,吴班引兵到关前搦战,~,辱骂不绝; ……(《三国演义》 716) Next day,Wu Ban’s men approached closer and challenged to battle,swaggering about and brandishing their weapons and shouting volleys of abuse without end.
❍ 她朝窗外看一眼,火惹惹的太阳好象就对她一个人~。(《茅盾文集》Ⅷ—286) Through the window she could see a fiery sun blazing down with a menace that seemed to be directed at her person ally./“臣已有退诸葛亮之计。不用魏军扬武耀威,蜀兵自然走矣。”(《三国演义》842) I have a scheme all ready,not only to turn back Kongming,but to do so without any exertion on our part.
❍ 在民国的大批军警放哨佈岗和恭敬护卫之下,清宫仪仗~地在北京街道上摆来摆去。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》133) The ceremonial emblems of the Qing court were paraded with great majesty round the streets of Beijing under the respectful protection of large numbers of Republican soldiers and police.


make a show of one’s strength;show off one’s prowess;swagger around (or about);swashbuckling;flex (or exercise) one’s muscles
表面上~all bluff and bluster /~显赫一时arrogantly throw one’s weight around,and look high and mighty

耀武扬威yào wǔ yánɡ wēi

炫耀武力,显示威风。mount the high horse, ride high, swagger around, bluff and bluster, rattle the sabre, brandish one’s swords





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