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❶ (兵器的总称) weaponry; weap ̄ ons: 仪 ~ flags, weapons, etc. carried by a guard of honour; parade of insignia of power
❷ (战争或战斗) warfare; war: 打胜 ~ win a battle; triumph in war; 打好春耕这一 ~ make a success of this spring ploughing Ⅱ ❶ (拿着) hold (a weapon); take up: ~ 剑 rest hand on sword; hold a sword
❷ (凭借; 倚仗) rely on; depend on: ~ 着本事 rely on one's own skill or ability; 狗 ~ 人势 a dog threatening people on it's master's power
◆仗势 take advantage of one's power or connections with influential people; 仗势欺人 take advantage of one's or sb. else's power to bully people; bully others on the strength of one's powerful connections or position; kick people around; pull rank on others; insult people because one has influence; take one's position to lord it over innocent people; throw one's weight about [around]; make use of sb.'s position to bully others; 仗恃 rely on (an advantage); 仗义勇为 help a lame dog over a stile; come to sb.'s defence out of a sense of justice; take a firm stand to see that justice is done; take bold action to uphold justice; take up arms for justice





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:43:13