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单词 仗义执言

仗义执言zhàng yì zhí yán

come out on the side of justice; demand that justice be done; speak out boldly in defence of justice (/to uphold justice);speak out from a sense of justice; stand on the side of justice and tell (/speak) the truth
❍ 法国的文艺家,这样的~的举动是常有的:……(鲁迅《南腔北调·又论“第三种人”》97) It is not uncommon for French men of letters to come out on the side of justice.
❍ 我们的朋友~,坚持原则,对我们给予了宝贵的支持。Our friends spoke out of a sense of justice and upheld principles,rendering us valuable support.

仗义执言zhang yi zhi yan

speak out from a sense of justice

仗义执言zhànɡ yì zhí yán

仗义:主持正义;执言:说公道话。为伸张正义,说公道话。speak out from a sense of justice, demand that justice be done, speak boldly in defence of justice





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