释义 |
一定之规yī dìng zhī guīa fixed pattern (/criterion); a set rule ❍ 你有千条妙计,我有~,不管你怎么说,不给我们提意见,我是不放你走的。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》261) Despite your brilliant scheme,I’ve got my own way. If you don’t point out our mistakes then we will not let you go. ❍ 避凶趋吉,几乎成了支配我一举一动的中心思想。弄得行路、穿衣、吃饭,脑子里也是想着哪样吉,哪样不吉。至于吉凶的标准,也无~,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》374) Avoiding calamity and bringing on good fortune became the guiding thought behind my every action. I ended up by asking myself what place,what garment,or what food was propitious and what was unlucky. There were no fixed criteria by which to answer these questions. 一定之规yi ding zhi gui❶set rule ❷one’s own way |