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单词 罪该万死

罪该万死zuì gāi wàn sǐ

be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths; be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone;a hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment
❍ 高力士,你将去与我转奏圣上,(哭介)说妾~,此生此世,不能再覩天颜,谨献此发,以表依惠。(洪昇《长生殿》)Take it,my lord,and tell the emperor,(weeping)that I know I deserve a thousand deaths; and as I shall never look upon his serene countenance again in this life,I present him with this lock of hair as a token of my love.
❍ 微臣身为首辅,值此民穷财尽之时,午夜彷徨,不得筹饷良策,实在~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—692)Yes,the country is impoverished and I cannot sleep at nights,yet I have not thought of a feasible plan. As your chief minister,I truly deserve death.
❍ 真是~,只求老大人您开恩。(田汉《关汉卿》59) I deserve death a thousand times. I beseech you,Your Lordship,tohave mercy on me.


deserve ten thousand deaths;be guilty of heinous crimes; be guilty of a crime for which even death is too light a punishment

罪该万死zuì ɡāi wàn sǐ

形容罪恶非常大,被处死一万次也不过分。be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone, guilty on many accounts, The crime deserves a myriad deaths.





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