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单词 硬着头皮

硬着头皮yìng zhe tóu pí

toughen one’s scalp——brace oneself up to do sth; force oneself to do sth against one’s will; pluck up just enough courage to do sth
❍ 勒法官愣了片刻,又~攻上来: ……(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》30) After a short pause,Jin again had the foolhardiness to launch another attack.
❍ 韩渐逵慌了,他看看犯人,只好~说: “没有”。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》64) Han was flurried. With a sidelong glance at the prisoners,he plucked up just enough courage to say,“No.”/他只好~,装出也不在乎的态度。(周而复《上海的早晨》) He had no alternative but to brazen it out and pretend that he did not care.

硬着头皮ying zhe tou pi

toughen one’s scalp—brace oneself

硬着头皮yìnɡ zhe tóu pí

形容非常勉强地支撑着来应付某种不喜欢遇到的情况。brace oneself up, push forward in face of the risk of, brazen it through





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