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单词 挨打受骂

挨打受骂ái dǎ shòu mà

get beatings and hard words; be scolded and beaten; suffer blows and scoldings
❍ 人家的奴才跟主子赚些个体面;我们这些奴才白陪着~。(《红楼梦》109)❶Other people’s slaves get some reflected credit from their masters. All we get for waiting on you is beatings and abuse
❷Some people’s servants are respected for their master’s sakes,but not us. All we get is beatings and hard words.
❍ 当媳妇时候~, 一当了婆婆就得会打骂媳妇,……(赵树理《孟祥英翻身》) After a girl was married,she was scolded and beaten by her mother-in-law.When she grew older and became a mother-in-law herself,she scolded and beat her daughter-in-law in turn.

挨打受骂ái dǎ shòu mà

指遭受欺侮。be beaten and cursed, take a beating and get a scolding, take one’s lumps, get beatings and hard words, be scolded and beaten





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更新时间:2025/3/3 20:18:21