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单词 盖棺论定

盖棺论定gài guān lùn dìng

a man’s merits or demerits can be finally judged only after his death;call no man great (/happy) before he is dead; final judgment can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin; only when a person is dead can he be finally (/rightly) judged and assessed
❍ 对一个人不要急于作结论,要~才行。Don’t pass any jud gement on a man in a hurry,for a man’s merits or demerits can be rightly judged only after his death.
❍ ~,这个人一生不曾做过一件对人有益的事情,他活着只是为了自己。(巴金《谈憩园》) Final judgment can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin. All his life this man never did a single thing which was of value to people,for he only lived for himself.

盖棺论定gai guan lun ding

no final verdict can be pronounced on a person until after his death

盖棺论定ɡài ɡuān lùn dìnɡ

比喻一个人的是非功过,死后才能作出结论。final judgement can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin, call no man happy till be dies, Don’t curse a day before sunset. A man’s character is correctly criticized after his death.





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