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单词 痛定思痛

痛定思痛tòng dìng sī tòng

bring home the lessons learned painfully; draw a lesson from a bitter experience; recall a painful experience; think it over after the bitter lesson
❍ 一时~,神魂俱乱。又哭了一回,遍身微微的出了一点儿汗。(《红楼梦》1078) Her mind in a turmoil of anguish,she burst out weeping again until soon she was perspiring.
❍ 如痛定之人,思当痛之时,不知何能自处也。(韩愈《与李翱书》) It is just like the man who does not know how to behave whilerecalling a painful experience.

痛定思痛tong ding si tong

recall a painful experience (as a reminder or warning)


recall a painful experience; draw a lesson from a bitter experience; bring home a painful lesson

痛定思痛tònɡ dìnɡ sī tònɡ

悲痛的心情平静以后,回想当时的痛苦。recall a painful experience, recall past pains, bring home the lessons learned painfully, draw a lesson from a bitter experience





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更新时间:2025/1/19 22:27:18