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offencen. 1. hurt,harm,injury损伤,伤害,损害。 △As.3.5.116:“and faster than his tongue / Did make offence. hiseye did heal it up. ”他的舌头刚刚损伤了人,他用眼睛一瞟就给医好了。 △Oth.3.3.381 (380): “I'll love no friend.sith love breeds such offence.” i.e.love breeds suchinjury to the one who loves. 我再也不爱朋友了,因为友爱竟会产生这样的害处。 △1H.VI.1.2.49: “Hath the lateoverthrow wrought this offence ?” i.e. Has the recentdefeat brought about this harm?莫不是最近的败仗造成了这种伤害? 2. transgression侵越。 △2H.IV.4.5.100(101):“Thouhast stolen that which after some few hours / Werethine without offence,”你所偷去的是一件只要再过几个小时就名正言顺属于你的东西。 3. act of offending; anything that wounds the feelingsand causes displeasure,mortification,or even disgust冒犯,得罪。 △Lr.2.2.121(114):“What was the offence you gave him?”你是怎样得罪他的? △Ham.1.5.135:“There's no offence,my lord.”并没有什么冒犯之处,殿下。 △Oth.2.3.110 (106):“no offence to thegeneral,nor any man of quality,”无意冒犯将军和任何有身份的人。 △Mer.4.1.68:“Every offence is not a hateat first.”初次的冒犯,不应该就引为仇恨。 4. breach of propriety. impropriety违背礼貌,失礼。 △H.VIII.5.1.11:“And if there be/No great offencebelongs (i. e. that belongs) to ’t (= it),”如果这么说不算失礼的话。 5. offensive matter,cause of objection违碍内容,令人反对的理由。 △Ham.3.2.245 (232):“Have you heard theargument? Is there no offence in ’t?” (The first sign ofuneasiness in the King.)你听过这个戏的情节吗? 里面没有什么违碍之处吧? 6. fault,misdemeanour过错,轻罪。 △1H.IV.2.3.43(38):“For what offence have I this fortnight been/Abanished woman from my Harry’s bed?”我到底犯了什么过错,这半个月来竟成了被遗弃的女人,不得与我的哈利同床共枕? △L.L.L.5.1.150(139):“That is the way to make anoffence gracious,”这便是弥补纰漏的办法。 △Ado.4.1287 (282):“What offence,sweet Beatrice?”你犯了什么罪过,亲爱的贝特丽丝? 7. crime,wickedness罪行,邪恶。 △Ham.1.5.136:“Yes,by Saint Patrick,but there is,Horatio,/ Andmuch offence too.”(i.e. Claudius’s crime.)不,圣帕特立克作证,是有罪过,霍拉旭,而且是罪大恶极。(按:霍拉旭说的offence,指“得罪了人”,哈姆雷特说的offence,指“罪行”,暗示他叔父的罪恶。) △Ham.3.2.247 (234):“No,no,theydo but jest,poison in jest—no offence i’the world.”没有,没有,他们只是扮演着玩儿,下毒药也是扮演着玩儿;决没有什么犯罪的事情。(按:哈姆雷特故意把offence解为“犯罪”,把国王的话岔开。) △ Ham.3.3. 36: “O. my offence isrank,”啊,我的罪恶太臭了。 △2H.IV.4.1.160 (158):“That argues but the shame of your offence.”那只表明你们自觉有罪.内心有愧。 △1H.VI.4.1.75: “And whatoffence it is to flout his friends.”嘲弄他的盟友又是什么样的罪行。 8. what is gained by the offence,benefit of the of-fence犯罪所得,罪行所得利益。 △Ham.3.3.56: “Mayone be pardoned and retain the offence?”一 个人保留着由罪恶得来的东西,还能得到宽恕吗? 9. feeling of resentment and disapproval,feeling ofbeing hurt怨恨不满,委屈情绪。 △1H.VI. 5.5.96: “Andyou,good uncle. banish all offence.”你呢.好叔父,把抱怨情绪都驱散吧。 10. displeasure,annoyance不愉快,烦恼。 △Oth.4.2.166:“The business of the state does him offence.”i.e.worries him. 国家大事使他烦恼。 11. readiness to take offence容易生气。 △Oth.2.3.53(50):“He’ll be as full of quarrel and offence/As my young mistress’ dog.” (my young mistress: any younglady.) 他就会像小姐养的一条狗那样容易生气、叫闹。 12. disfavour,disgrace厌弃,失宠。 △Tw.4.2. 75 (69):“for I am now so far in offence with my niece that I cannot pursue with any safety this sport to the up-shot.”因为我已经大大地失去了我侄女的欢心,所以我不能把这场玩笑一直推行到底而不获罪。 offence[ˈɔfens]n.犯罪行为,过错,冒犯,攻击 ◇ launch an offence展开攻势 ‖ capital offences死罪 first offense初犯 offence play进攻战术 offences against international law and order违反国际法和国际秩序的犯罪 offences against property侵犯财产罪 offences against public order妨害公共秩序罪 offences against the person侵犯人身罪 offences against the state危害国家罪 offences relating to road traffic妨害道路交通罪 offences triable可按可起诉罪行的犯罪行为 offenceful adj.有罪的 offend v.冒犯,违犯,得罪 ◇ offend against违犯,犯规 offended player被侵犯的队员 offended team被侵犯的队 offending election material违例竞选资料 offending player犯规队员 offending side犯规一方,攻方 offending team犯规队 offender n.犯规队员,罪犯,冒犯者 offense n .进攻 offense against rule违反规则 offense of smuggling走私罪 offensive adj.攻击的,进攻的 ◇ offensive against进攻 be on the offensive主动出击 offensive play进攻型打法 offensive weapon凶器,进攻性武器 take the offensive进攻 counter-offensive adj. 反攻的 offensive action进攻行动 offensive air进攻性空军部队 offensive armament进攻性武器 offensive basket对方篮 offensive block攻击性拦网,攻击性拦阻网 offensive board foul前场抢篮板球犯规 offensive check在对方守区内阻截 offensive defense攻势防御 offensive fire进攻火力 offensive football进攻型足球战术 offensive footwork进攻时的步法 offensive grenade进攻性手榴弹 offensive guard组织进攻的后卫 offensive half of court前场 offensive member进攻队员 offensive minded有进攻意识的 offensive mission进攻任务 offensive on the wings从两翼进攻 offensive operation攻势作战 offensive pattern进攻阵形 offensive play攻击型打法,进攻型打法 offensive player进攻队员 offensive position进攻位置 offensive positioning进攻占位 offensive power攻击力 offensive rebounding抢前场篮板球 offensive sector进攻地段 offensive social education攻势社会教育 offensive strategy进攻型策略 offensive team进攻队 offensive weapons进攻性武器 offensive zone攻区 |