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单词 office


△Shr. Ind. 1. 73:“each one to his office when he wakes,”i.e.each oneattends to his duty.各人按着自己的职分好好做去。
△Com.3.1.44:“O villain,thou hast stol'n both mine officeand my name.”啊,奴才! 你把我的职务和姓名都偷去了。
△Com.5.1.99:“for it is my office,”因为那是我的本分。
△Wiv.5.5.46 (40):“Attend your office”.尽你们的责任。
△Mid.2. 2. 8:“Then to your offices,”然后,各自做你们的事。
△Ado.4.1.270 (266):“It is a man’s office,but not yours.”那是一个男子汉做的事情,可不是你做的事情。
△As. 1. 2. 44 (40):“Nay,now thou goest from Fortune’s office to Nature’s. ”不,现在你把命运的职务拉扯到自然那里去了。
△Tw.3.4.363 (325): “This is the man,do thy office.” 就是这个人,执行你的任务吧。
△Rom.5.1.23: “Since you did leave it for my office ,sir.”因为这是你派给我的职务。
△2H.IV.4.4.24:“And noble offices thou mayest effect/ Of mediation,after I am dead,/ Between his greatness and thy other brethren.”在我死了以后.你可以尽到你的崇高责任,在他的至尊地位和你的其他兄弟们之间进行调解疏通。
△3H.VI.1.4. 19:“That is my office for my father’s sake.”为我的父亲报仇,是我的责任。
△R.III.4. 1. 24: “I’ll bear thy blame,/ And take thy office from thee on my peril.”你有什么罪我来承当,我可以冒险替你负责任。
offices of nature: natural duties (父母子女之间的)天然责任,正常情分。
△ Lr.2.4.180 (177):“Thou better know’st /The offices of nature,”你更懂得亲子间的情分。2. official position,position of authority官位,权威地位。
△H.VIII.3.2.157 (156):“Since I had my office,/I have kept you next my heart,” 自从我登位以来,我一直把你引为自己的心腹。
△ Lr.4.6.164 (158): “a dog’s obeyed in office.”一条狗当了权,人也得服从它。(孙大雨译)3. (abstract for concrete) officers官员。
△H.VIII.1.144: “the office did / Distinctly his full function.”官员们都出色地尽到了各自的责任。
△Ham.3.1.73 (72):“The insolence of office,”官吏的骄横。
4. commission委任。
△Lr.5.3.250 (249): “Who hasthe office?” i.e. Who has the commission to carry outthe order?谁奉命干这件事的?
5. task,business任务,事务。
△Gent.1.2.42 (44):“ ’tis an office of great worth”,这真是一件好差事。
△Wiv.42. 4: “the simple office of love.” 单纯的恩爱一番。
△Tw. 1.5.224 (207):“Speak your office.”说你的使命吧。
△Ado.2.1.184 (175): “Friendship is constant in all other things / Save in the office and affairs of love;”友谊在别的一切事情上都是可靠的.在爱情的事情上却不能信托。
△Lr.3.1.41: “And from some knowledge and assurance,offer / This office to you.”凭我对你的确实可靠的了解,才把这个任务交给你。
6. service,kind service效劳,帮忙。
△Wiv.1.1.102(99):“I would I could do a good office between you.”我希望我能做件好事,给你们排解一下。
△Tw.3.4.280(253): “I beseech you do me this courteous office,as to know of the knight what my offence to him is.”我求你费心帮我一下忙,去问一问那位骑士,我究竟得罪了他什么
△Oth.3.4.112 (113): “With all the office of my heart.”用我全心全意的效劳。
△H.VIII.2.4.186 (189):“that my lady’s womb,/ If it conceived a male-childby me,should / Do no more offices of life to ’t than /The grave does to the dead;”我的王后倘若为我怀下一个男胎,那么她的肚子所能起的作用不过像是坟墓装进死人一般。
7. function,purpose,use作用,目的,用途。
△Rom.4.5.84: “All things that we ordained festival,/ Turn from their office to black funeral.”我们为喜庆而安排的一切,现在全都将其作用改为举办悲哀的丧事。
△L.L.L.5.2.351.(350):“For virtue ’s office never breaks men’s troth.”因为美德从来不会使人失信。
△H.V.2.2.33:“And shallforget the office of our hand / Sooner than quittanceof desert and merit.” (cf. Psalms 137: “If I forgetthee,O Jerusalem,let my right hand forget her cun-ning.”)我即使忘记了我的手会有什么用处.也决不会忘记论功行赏的。
△3H.VI.5.6.18:“Why,what a peevish foolwas that of Crete / That taught his son the office of afowl!”嘿,克里特的那个人真是个大傻瓜,他竟把鸟儿飞翔的本领教给他的儿子!
△R.III.3.5.10: “And both are readyin their offices/At any time to grace my strata-gems.”两者随时都可以用来点缀我的谋略。
do the office of: perform the function of履行…的职能.起…的作用。
△ H.V.2.1.87 (83):“Good Bardolph,putthy face between his sheets,and do the office of a warming-pan.”好巴道夫,把你的脸放进他的被子里.给他当暖壶用用吧。
8. dealing,act行为,举动。
△H.V. 5.2.391 (363): “illoffice,”罪恶的勾当。(又译:恶毒的干扰。)
△ Mer.4.1.33:“offices of tender courtesy,”温柔礼貌的行为,文明行为。
9. function,role作用,角色。
△ Ado.5.4.14: “Youknow your office,brother.”你明白你的角色是什么,兄弟。10. room,apartment房间。
△2H.IV.1.3. 45:“Whichif we find outweighs ability,/ What do we then butdraw anew the model / In fewer offices?”如果我们发现那费用超过我们的财力,那么我们除了重新画一张图样,把房间减少一些,还有什么办法?


n. 办公室,办事处
◇ complete one’s term of office任职期满
in office在职
out of office在野
take office就任
‖ commercial counsellor’s office商务处
general office办公厅
office accommodations办公用具
office accommodation办公用房
office accountant总会计
office act戏院轮流上演的节目
office actor办公室演员
office allowance办公补助费,办公费用
Office Assistant办公室助理员
office automation(OA)办公自动化
office buildings楼堂馆所
office clerk事务员
office coaching课堂讲授
office copy复本,正式抄本
office equipment办公室器材
office expenses办公费
office expenses account办公费账
office expenses book办公费账簿
office for incoming and outgoing mail收发室
office hours办公时间
office incidental expenses公杂费
office layout办公室设计
office machinery办公机械
office management总务科
office manager业务经理
office of entry入境办事处
office of exchange兑换处
Office of General Services总务处
Office of Legal Affairs法务局
Office of Public Information公共资料处
office of resettlement of demobilized soldiers复员安置办公室
Office of the charge d’affaires代办处
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance保险业监理处
Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region中华人民共和国外交部驻香港特别行政区特派员公署
Office of the Department Head系主任办公室
Office of the Ombudsman申诉专员公署
office of the Party committee党办
Office of the Secretary General秘书长办公室
Office of the U. N. High Commissioner for Refugees联合国难民事务高级专员办事处
Office of War Information战时情报局
Office of War Mobilization战时劳工局
office overhead办公室管理费
office paper金融票据
office practice办公室实务
office staff内勤
office system办公系统
office to handle urban resettlement returnee settlement office安置办公室
office training非冰上训练
public office公职,警官,半官方(的)/office-bearer n.干事,执事人员
officer appointed on local terms按本地条款受聘的公务员
officer appointed on overseas terms按海外条款受聘的公务
officer government official 政府官员
officer in command指挥官
officer of equivalent status同等职级人员
officer of high rank高级军官
officer of the day值日官
officer of the week值周官
officer on permanent establishment常额编制人员
officer on secondment借调人员
officer on short term employment短期聘用人员
officer on the active list现役军官
officer on trial试任人员
officer serving on an incremental scale按年递增薪级的人员
officer serving on terms which attract retirement benefit s享有退休福利的公务员
officer’s check银行本票
officer’s field saddle军官马鞍
officers’ welfare军官福利
officers and men官兵,将士
officers identification card军官身份证
Offices under the State Council国务院办事机构
official[əˈfiʃəl]n. 官员,事务所adj. 官方的,正式的,公务的/a government official政府官员/a public official公务员
civil service official官员
official acceptance正式承兑
official approval官方批准,正式批准
official audit官方审计
official authority职务权限
official ball标准球
official banquet正式宴会
official black-marketing官倒
official business公事
official call公务通话
official capacity 职务,公职,公职身份,官方身份
official capital官方资本,国家资本
official channel正式渠道
official circles官场,官运,宦途
official code word官方机密电码
official communication咨文
official correspondence公事信件,业务函件
official courier官方信使
official creed正统信条
official dealings公事往来
official devaluation法定贬值
official discount rate法定贴现率
official document公文,官方文件
official duty职务,公务,公干,公职
official emolument薪俸
official event正式比赛项目
official exchange market官方外汇市场
official exchange rate官方汇率,法定汇率 official export credit官方出口信贷
official fixed price法定价格
official form fro filling a lawsuit状纸
official function官方职务
official goal正式目标
official gold price黄金官价
official handicap公开让分,正式让分
official holdings of documents官方持有的单据
official holiday法定假日,公休
official identity card正式身份证
official information官方消息
official instruction政府训令,正式指示
Official interpretation正式解释
official invoice正式发票
official journal公报
official judging language正式裁判用语
official language法定语言,官方语言
official letter公文
official list官方牌价
official log正式航行日志 official loyal to his sovereign忠臣
official market官方市场
official market quotation官方牌价
official meeting正式会议
official member官方成员,官方委员
official mission官方机构
official note正式照会
Official Oath就任宣誓
official oral message官方口信
official order正式通知
official organization官方组织
official par of exchange法定汇兑平价,官方汇率
official parity法定平价
official petitioner公设申请人
official position公职,官职
official position standard官本位
official price官价
official publications官方出版物
official quarters官方人士
official quotation官方汇价
official rank职别
official rate官价,官方汇率
official rate of exchange官方汇率,法定汇率
official receipts正式收据
official receiver破产管理官
Official Receiver破产管理署署长
official record官方记录
official referee法定公断人,官方公证人
official report官方报告,正式报告
official residence官邸
official routine例行公事
official scorer记录员
official script隶书
official seal公章,官方印章
official search官方调查
official secrets官方机密
Official Secrets Ordinance《官方机密条例》/official selling price法定出售价格
official side官方,雇方
official solicitor官方代诉人
official statement正式声明
official statistics官方统计
official support官方支持
official surveyor场地检查员
official target规定用靶
official tariff官定运费率
official telephone公务电话
official text正式文本
official time正式成绩
official travel公务旅行
official trial正式试航,正式试验
official trustee官方信托人,法定受托人
official validation正式鉴定
official visit官方访问,正式访问
officials’control table指挥台
official’s signal裁判员手势(信号)/ official’s time-out裁判暂停
official’s tribune裁判台
officialdom n.官场,官僚作风
officialese[ əˌfiʃəˈli:z]n.公文用语
officialism n. 官僚作风,官僚主义,文牍主义
officially adv.正式,职务上
officials n. 裁判员
officious adj.多管闲事的,非官方的,非正式的





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