单词 | dog |
释义 | dog1 /dog US: do: g; dag/ n 1 common domestic animal, a friend of man, of which there are many breeds; male of this-animal and of the wolf and the fox. 犬; 狗; 雄狗; 雄狼; 雄狐。◎ bitch. 2 (phrases) : (片语): a case of dog eat dog. situation, eg in business, where ruthless methods are used 互相残害 (例如商业上之使用无情手段) 。 die tike a dog; die a 'dog's death, die in shame or misery. 潦倒而死。 a dog in the manger. person who prevents others from enjoying sth that is useless to himself. 狗占马槽; 占着茅坑不拉屎的人。 dressed like a dog's dinner, (colloq) in the height of fashion. (俗) 穿着极讲究。 give/ throw sth to the dogs, throw it away as worthless, or as a sacrifice to save oneself, 丢弃某物; 牺牲兼物以自保。 give a dog a bad name (and hang him), (prov) give a person a bad reputation, slander him, and the bad reputation will remain. (谚) 一旦加给某人一个坏名,他就永远洗不淸。 go to the dogs, be ruined. 堕落; 败坏。 help a lame dog over a stile, help a person in trouble. 助人于危难。 load a 'dog's life, be troubled all the time. 过困苦的生活。 lead sb a dog s life, give him no peace; worry him all the time. 使不安宁; 使某人经常苦恼。 let sleeping dogs lie, (prov) let well alone; not look for trouble. (谚) 勿惹睡狗; 勿惹事生非。 look like a dog's breakfast/dinner. (colloq) very untidy; messy, (俗) 凌 St 而; 乱七八糟 Wo love me, love my dog, (prov) if you want me as a friend, you must accept my friends as yours. (谚) 爱屋及乌。 /rot stand (evon) a 'dog's chance, have no chance at all of beating a stronger enemy, surviving a disaster, etc. 毫无希望 (击败强敌,度过灾难等) 。 be top dog. be in a position where one rules. 居于高也。 be (the) 'underdog, be in a position where one must always submit. 居于永远听命他人之位。 3 (colloq) (俗) the dogs, greyhound race-meetings. 赛狗; 攻犬比赛。 4 (old use; of a man) worthless, wicked or surly person. (U用法,指人) 卑鄙的小人; 乖戾的人。 5 (with adj, colloq) person: (与形容词连用,俗) 人; 像伙: He's a dirty/sly/lucky/gay dog. 他是个航脏 (狡诈,幸运,快乐) 的人。 6 (kinds of) mechanical device for gripping, etc. (各种) 抓、扣等机械装置; 铁钩。 7 (p/, also 亦作 'fire-dogs) metal supports for logs in a fireplace. (复) 域中铁架; 薪架。 8 (compounds) (复合字) 'dog-biscuit, hard, thick biscuit for feeding dogs. 饲狗饼干 (硬而厚者)。 'dog-cart, high, two-wheeled cart, pulled by a horse, with two seats back to back, (车身很高,有两个背对背座位的) 二轮单马车。 'dog-collar, (colloq) clerical collar. (俗) (神父所戴的) 硬白领。 'dog-days, period of very hot weather (July and August). 酷热的暑天 (七、八月); 三伏天。 dog-eared, (of a book) having the corners of the leaves turned down with use. (指书) 书页折角的。 'dog-fish, small kind of shark. 角数 (一种,j 、必) , cthe illus at sea. 参看 sea 之插图。 'doghouse, (US) kennel. (美) 狗舍。 in the doghouse, (colloq) in disgrace or disfavour. (G) 失体面; 失宠。 'dog paddle, simple swimming stroke in which the arms and legs are moved in short, quick splashing movements. 狗扒式游泳(手臂和双腿作短暂急促溅水动作的一种游泳)。 'dogs.body, drudge. 服贱役者; 做苦工的人。 ,dofl-'tired, tired out, exhausted. 极疲倦的。 ,dogtooth, small pyramid-shaped ornament (in stonework, Norman and Early English architecture). (诺曼第和早期英国建筑之石工上的)角锥形装饰。 dog s-tooth, checked pattern (in cloth for men's suits, overcoats, etc). 子西服,大衣等衣料上的)方格花样。 'dog.trot, gentle, easy trot. (徐缓从容的)小 'dogwatch, (on ships) one of the two-hour watches (4 to 6pm, 6 to 8pm). (船上)暮更(下午四至六时为上暮更, 六至八时为下暮更) o'dog.wood, tree with large white or pinkish flowers in spring. 山茱萸; 水木(一种树,春天开大而白或略带粉红色的花)。 'dog-Hke adj like or as of a dog, 如狗的, esp 尤用于 doglike devotion, the kind of devotion given by a dog to its master. 如狗一般的忠实。 doggy, doggie /'dogi US: 'dxgi; 'dogi/ n (child's word for a) dog. (儿语)狗; 狗狗。 |
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