释义 |
cutn. 1. slit,slash in a garment切口,衣服上的开叉。 △Ado.3.4.19: “cloth o’(= of) gold and cuts. and laced withsilver.”金线穿织的布料.开叉的袖子,镶银花边。 2. fashion. style流行款式,式样。 △As.5.4.73 (69):“Idid dislike the cut of a certain courtier’s beard.”我不喜欢某一位廷臣的胡子的式样 。 △H.V. 3. 6. 83 (76): “abeard of the general’s cut”. i . e. a beard cut like thatof the general.一部像将军那种样式的胡子。 △H.VIII.1.3.14: “Their clothes are after such a pagan cut to ’t,”他们的衣服也仿效着异教徒的款式。 3. horse with a docked tail,gelding剪短尾巴的马,骗过的马。 △ Tw.2.3.205 (186): “if thou hast her not i’ theend. call me cut.”要是你终归得不到她,就叫我是阉马。 cut and long tail: horses or dogs of all sorts,curtal orlong-tailed不管是短尾巴的或是长尾巴的马或狗,无论什么样儿的事情。 △Wiv.3.4.47 (46): “Ay,that I will,comecut and long-tail,under the degree of a squire.”i.e.Iwill,whatever happens. according to the style of liv-ing of a country gentleman. 是的.我愿意那样做,无论发生什么事,总不至于失掉绅士的身份。 4. name of a horse,horse with a docked tail (cut:short for curtal) (马名)短尾巴。 △1H.IV. 2. 1. 6 (5):“Iprithee,Tom,beat Cut’s saddle,”汤姆.请你把短尾马的鞍子拍打得平滑一点。 5. slip of paper,lot纸条,阄。 △Com.5.1. 425 (423):“We’ll draw cuts for the senior”,我们拈阄,看谁是老大。6. (Elizabethan obscenity) female pudenda (猥亵语)女性阴部。 △Tw . 2 . 5 . 98 (86): “These be her very c’s,her u’s,and her t ’s,and thus makes she her greatP’s. ”(Malvolio happens to spell out two Elizabethanobscenities.)这是她写的c.她的u.她的t;这是她大写的P。(按:马伏里奥无意中拼出了当时的两个猥亵字眼儿。)
cutvt. cleave by passing through劈开。 △3.H.VI.2.6.89: “From whence shall Warwick cut the sea toFrance,”从那里沃里克再劈海破浪到法兰西。 Phrases & Expressions: cut from: preclude…from,stop … from. interrupt(one’s …)阻止,制止,打断。 △1H.IV. 5 . 2 . 90:“I thank him that he cuts me from my tale,”我谢谢他打断了我的讲话。 cut off: ❶clip剪掉。 △2H. IV.4.5.207 (208):“whichto avoid,/ I cut them off,and had a purpose now /To lead out many to the Holy Land,”为了避免这种事,我才把他们中有些人加以剪除,并且现在还打算把其中许多人带到圣地作战。 ❷stop打断,阻止。 △As. 1. 2. 50 (46):“to cutoff the argument”,打断这场谈话。 ❸kill杀死。 △Mac4.3.78: “were I king,/ I should cut off the nobles for their lands,”我若当了国王,便要杀死贵族,夺他们的土地。 △Lr. 4. 5. 38:“Preferment falls on him that cuts himoff.”谁杀死他谁就受重赏。 ❹put to death处死。 △H.V.3.6.116 (107):“We would have all such offendere so cut off;” 凡是犯下这种罪行的人 ,我都要把他们处死。 ❺de-stroy消灭。 △As.2.3.24: “If he fail of that. / Hewill have other means to cut you off;”若是这一着不成功,他还有别的法子来除掉您。 cut short: ❶cut off,make away with 砍掉,杀死。 △ 2H. VI. 4.4.11:“And I myself,/ Rather thanbloody war shall cut them s hort,╱ Will parley withJack Cade their general.”我不想看到血腥的战争把他们杀死,而宁愿亲自去跟他们的主将杰克·凯德会谈。 ❷a. fore-stall,put a stop to预先阻止,阻止。b. make away with,behead杀死,砍…的头。 △2H.VI. 3.1. 80: “Take heed,my lord,the welfare of us all / Hangs on the cuttingshort that fraudful man.”当心呀,我的主上,我们大家的幸福完全系于对那个老奸巨猾的人先发制人(双关:杀死那个老奸巨猾的人)。 cut[kʌt]v.(电影)剪接,旷课,逃课,木刻,雕刻,插图,削球,入围,切,割,截断开,中止,削减,降低,收割,删减,删除,关车,停车 ◇at cut rate打折扣 be cut out for sth.天生就会做某事 cut across抄过,穿过,穿越 cut a dash大出风头,摆阔 cut a loss赶紧脱手以免多受损失 cut and run急忙逃走,赶快走 cut a rug跳舞 cut at向…犯砍,危害 cut back削减,追求,倒叙 cut back on减低 cut both ways模棱两可 cut corners=cut a corner抄近路,节省 cut down削减,砍下来 cut down prices降价 cut down to size降低…的威望 cut ice with对…起作用 cut in插嘴,插入,插入特写镜头,抢道 cut into打断,侵犯 cut it fin几乎不留余地 cut it out停止,住嘴cut loose逃脱,狂欢 cut lots抽签,抓阄cut no ice无效,不起作用 cut off删去,切断,关闭,镜头切掉 cut one’s coat according to one’s clot量入为出 cut one’s own throat自取灭亡 cut out删掉,使适合,停止,离开 cut sb . to the quick触及要害 cut short打断,缩减(短),缩短演出时间 cut sb. off with a shilling剥夺某人的继承权 cut the (a)record打破纪录 cut the ground from under sb.’s feet使某人大失利 cut the gun收油门 cut the knot快刀斩乱麻 cut through抄马路穿过,克服 cut to the bone彻底取消,削减 cut up碎,对…吹毛求疵,使消沉,使难过 cut up rough发怒 make a clean cut切得整齐 ‖ cutback of spending减少开支 cut blocks for printing刻版排印 cut bridge舞台运送机,升降机 cut class逃学,旷课 cut cloth软景 cut down military expenditures削减军费 cut figure in stone石雕像 cut glass刻花玻璃器皿 cut interest rate降低利率 cut it even a tone stroke一刀切 cut number镜头号码 cut-off date截算日期 cut off score录用分数线 cut-off statement截止日报表 cut prices削价,减价 cut-price sale让利销售 cut rate减价 cut school旷课 cut shot切击球 cut stone琢石 cut stroke defensive player切削防守型选手 cut the price减价,削价 cut the size of staffs精简人员 cut-throat competition残酷竞争 cut under贱卖 cut up a melon瓜分 cutting copy样本,样片 cutting off the feet 剕刑 cutting paper in interesting way趣味剪纸 cutting quill pen羽毛管制钢笔画画笔 cutting room电影剪辑室 cutting sound声剪辑,伴音剪辑 cutability n.可切性 cutaway adj.能切断的,剖面的 cutback n. 反向运动,减少,截短 cutdown n.削减 cut-in n.切入,插入,连接,超车,字幕 cutlet n.机身着陆,严重飞行事故 cutline n.插图说明 cut-off n.切断,中止,关闭,挡板,近路 cut-out n.切断,关闭,中止 cut-over n. 接入,开通,转换 cut-price adj.打折扣的,廉价的 cut-purse n.小偷 cut-rate adj.减价的,次等的 cutter n.快艇,切削工具,刀片,车刀,利齿,快艇 cutterbar n.切割器 cutterhead n.刀盘,切碎装置 cutthroat n. 凶手,谋杀犯 cutting n.剪辑,唱片录音,切,割,剪开,挖adj.尖刻的,刺耳的 cutting-in n.插入镜头,切入,冲入,打断,干涉 cutting-tool n. 切削刀具 cutty adj.切短的,性急的 |