customn. habit,regular practice习惯,惯例, △Wiv. 5.5.81 (75):“Our dance of custom,”i.e. our customarydance,我们照例的一场舞蹈。 △Mer.4.1.268 (267):“For herein Fortune shows herself more kind / Thanis her custom.”因为这一次命运之神已经比较她平时的习惯要宽大多了。 △Ham.2.2.315 (296):“forgone all customof exercises:”放弃了一切习惯的体育活动。 △Ham.5.1.73 (67): “Custom hath made it in him a property ofeasiness.”习惯使得他那样满不在乎。 △Mac. 3.4.96 (95):“Think of this,good peers,/ But as a thing of cus-tom.”i.e. a thing which often happens.诸位大人,这不过是惯常的毛病。 custom[ˈkʌstəm]n. 习俗,习惯,风俗,惯例(pl.)海关,关税adj.定制的,定做的 ◇abandon an old custom抛弃旧习惯 apply to customs报关 break an old custom破除旧习惯 declare sth. at customs报关 exemption from customs duties关税豁免 ‖ custom accompaniment惯用伴奏 custom and practice习惯与惯例 custom and usage of international trade国际贸易惯例 custom area关税豁免区 custombonded store保税仓库,保税商店 custom characteristics风俗特征 custom drummer自编节奏 custom duties 关税 custom examination海关检查 custom field自定义范围 custom house海关 custom house fees海关手续费 custom imitation风俗模仿 custom inspection验关 custom law习惯法 custom of trade贸易惯例 custom office海关 custom union关税同盟 custom valuation system海关估价制度 social custom社会习俗 customable adj. 可征收关税的 customable goods课税物品 customarily adv. / customhouse n.海关 customize v.定制,定做 customary adj.通常的,习惯的 customary average惯例免赔率 customary belief民间信仰 customary clause惯例条款 customary discount例行折扣 customary dues例定规费 customary heir习惯法上的继承人 customary international law国际惯例法 customary international practice国际惯例 Customary Law习惯法 customary marriage旧式婚姻 customary practice惯例 customary price惯例价格,通常价目 customary pricing习惯性定价法 customary rent通常租税 customary right惯有权利 customary risk惯常险 customary succession惯例继承 customary tactics惯用伎俩 traditional customary line传统边界线 custom-built adj.定制的,定做的 customer n. 顾客,用户,客户 customer agent顾客代理人 customer analysis顾客分析 customer automatic teller客户自动出纳机 customer-based culture以客为本的精神,以客为本的服务文化 customer-based service以客为本的服务 customer complaints顾客投诉 customer contact顾客接触 customer demand顾客需求 customer first顾客至上 customer input顾客意见 customer in service为客户服务 customer intimacy顾客亲密度 customer liaison group服务联络小组,客户联络小组 customer loyalty顾客忠诚度 customer mind customer need顾客需要 customer organization of sales force按客户组织销售队伍 customer-oriented pricing顾客导向定价法 customer rates用户费率 customer retention顾客维系 customer satisfaction顾客满意度 customer segment pricing顾客细分市场定价 customer service顾客服务 customer service manager客户服务经理 customer service officer客户服务主任 customer service programme客户服务计划 customer service standard顾客服务标准 customer support客户支持 customer survey顾客调查,顾客服务调查 customer's acceptance客户承兑汇票 customer’s account客户账 customers’ book意见簿 customer’s deposit客户存款 customers first顾客第一 customer’s ledge r客户分户账 customers’perception顾客感知 customers’ preferences顾客偏好 customers’ price sensitivity顾客的价格敏感度 customer’s rate对客户汇率 customer’s receivables应收客户款项 customer’s statement客户结单 customize v.customized instruction个别教学法 custom-made adj.定做的,订制的 customs n.海关 customs agency报关代理行,报关行 customs agent报关代理人 customs agreement海关协定 customs and excise duties关税和国内消费税 customs and usance of the stock exchange 证券交易所惯例与规则 customs and usages惯例 customs attache海关专员 customs barrier关税壁垒 customs blockade关税封锁 customs bond海关罚款 customs broker报关行 customs bureau税务局,海关 customs certificate海关凭证 customs charges报关费 customs classification procedures结关手续 customs clearance结关 customs clearance fee报关费,结关费 customs clearance statistics结关统计 customs clearing charges结关费,通关费 customs cleating fee报关费 customs clearing procedure for export出口报关手续 customs code海关法 customs collection课征关税 customs consignee海关委托人 customs debenture报关退税凭单,海关退税凭单 customs decision海关处分通知书 customs declaration (post parcels)邮包报关单,报关单,海关申报 customs declaration form海关报关单,通关申报表格 customs declaration with commercial and item detail有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without commercial detail无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without item detail无项目细节的报关单 customs delivery note海关放行通知 customs documents海关单据 customs drawback海关退税 customs dues应付海关费用 customs duty rate关税税率 customs duties关税 customs entry海关进口报关,进口报关 customs examination海关检查,验关 customs examination list海关验货单 customs fees海关规费,报关费 customs form海关单据 customs formalities海关手续,报关单 customs formality and requirements海关手续和规定 customs house agent报关代理人 customs house fees海关手续费 customs-house report报关单 customs immediate release declaration海关即刻放行报关单 customs inspection海关检查 customs inspection point 海关检查站 customs invoice海关发票 customs law海关法 customs line关税线 customs manifest报关单 customs of war战争惯例 customs officer海关人员 customs paper海关证件 customs pass海关通行证 customs permit海关许可证 customs preventive officer海关缉私官员 customs procedures海关手续 customs quota进口配额,关税配额 customs regime海关制度 customs regulations海关条例 customs requirement海关规定 customs revenue海关税收 customs schedule关税税率 customs specification海关明细单 customs tariff关税率,关税税则,海关税则 customs tariff policy关税政策 customs tariff rule关税税则 customs tariff schedule关税税率表 customs transit document海关过境单据 customs union关税联盟,关税同盟 customs valuation海关估价 customs warehouse海关仓库 customtailor v.定制,定做 |