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单词 remote
remote/rɪ′mǝ ʊt, AmE -′moʊt/ adj [-r/-stmore/most~]

(1)遥(偏)远的(located far away;distant far from society or civilization)[A(from)]:a village~from the world/civilization/life 一个远离外界/文明/尘世的村庄;~areas/places/stars 偏僻的区域/偏远的地方/遥远的天体;live in a~part of the forest 住在森林的深处;live~from cities 生活在远离城市的地方;a~control 遥控器;〖同〗far,isolated;〖反〗near,close;

(2)久远的(distant of time)[作attrib]:in the~past/future/ages 在久远的过去/遥远的将来/遥远的年代;〖同〗distant;

(3)亲属关系远的(distant in relationship)[作attrib]:a~ancestor 一位很久以前的祖先;a~cousin/relative (of mine)(我的)一个远房表亲/亲戚;

(4)无关系的(distantly related or not connected)[A(from)]:~causes/effects 无关系的原因/影响;a question~from the subject 一个与题目毫无关系的问题;a story~from everyday life 一个与日常生活毫无关系的故事;a thing~from sb's experience 一件与某人经历毫无关系的事情;have a~connection with what I was thinking 和我正在想的几乎没什么关系;〖同〗distant,removed;

(5)冷淡(漠)的((of a person or his manner)not friendly or not showing interest):He seemed~,uninterested in the conversation. 他看上去很冷漠,对谈话不感兴趣。a~manner 冷淡(漠)的态度;〖同〗indifferent,distant;〖反〗attentive,interested;

(6)不大可能的,极小的(slight or faint):There is a~chance of success/possibility that the letter has arrived. 成功的可能性不大/那封信不大可能已经送达。The possibility of winning is~at the moment. 目前取胜的可能性很小。I have not the~st idea what you mean. 我一点也不明白你的意思。

→ re′motely adv 极轻微地;re′moteness n 遥远





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