释义 |
深谋远虑shēn móu yuǎn lǜbe circumspect and far-sighted;deep-laid; deliberate in counsel; with great foresight and mature deliberation;think deeply and plan carefully; thoughtful and farseeing ❍ 共产党能把庄稼人教育成更厚道、更大方、更~的人,这符合她的心思。(柳青《创业史》242) The Communist Party taught peasants to be more honest,more generous,more farseeing,and that was how the widow liked people to be. ❍ 大夫种为越王~,免会稽之危,以亡为存,以辱为荣,……(史记·范睢蔡泽列传》)Wen Zhang made far-sighted plans for the King of Yue,rescued the state in its hour of peril at Kuaiji,saved it from destruction and turned disgrace into glory…/成岗激动地望着华子良,面前这位多年来伪装疯癫的人,真是~,卧薪尝胆,善于坚持斗争的老同志。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》491) Cheng Gang gazed respectfully at Hua Ziliang,the man who had pretended to be insane for so many years. What foresight,what patience,sto icism and perseverance were embodied in this old comrade!/全家都感激这个当家人~,又知道他在去冬整党的会上挨过“整”,还会给他抖风吗?(柳青《创业史》204)The whole family was very thankful to the head of the house for his long-range planning,and they knew he had been“rectified”during the Party rectification meetings the previous winter. They would never betray him. 深谋远虑❶think deeply and plan carefully;be thoughtful(or circumspect)and farsighted ❷farsightedness 深谋远虑shēn móu yuǎn lǜ计划周到,考虑得十分长远。think deeply and plan carefully, thoughtful and farseeing, fore sight, fore thought, be circumspect and farsighted |