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单词 风驰电掣

风驰电掣fēng chí diàn chè

at full (/lightning)speed; be on the wings of the wind; come like a storm,flash like lightning; hurtle forward like lightning or the wind; swift as the wind and quick as lightning; whirl along like the wind
❍ 就在一转眼间,三个人已经把她拉上车去。汽车就~般地开走了。(杨沫《青春之歌》213) In the twinkling of an eye she was dragged into the car which promptly drove off at full speed.
❍ 他心里猛然一怔,马上披起长衫,~般奔往月池塘附近的下西街考栅前,抬头一看,果然不错。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—63) Getting up from his chair abruptly,he threw a gown over his shoulders and darted like an arrow towards the examination hall.There he stopped and looked up at the list posted on the wall,where his name was indeed listed at the top of all the others./“冲”也是最威武的行为,机关一扳,~,使对手想回避也来不及,多么英雄。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—329) Charging is most awe-inspiring too. How heroic you feel when you start up and your machine hurtles forward like lightning or the wind,giving your foe no time to get out of the way!/幸亏农民军全是轻骑,行动如~,眨眼卷到敌人中心,短兵相接,展开混战,使敌人的火器和弓弩失去作用。(姚雪垠《李自成》262) Fortunately,being mounted,the rest were able to gallop swift as lightning into the government positions,and in the close combat which ensued the artillery and archers were rendered useless.
❍ 不料,被胜利和酒所共同陶醉的石东根,正是屁股悬空在马上,跑得~十分快意的时候,恰巧给军长沈振新看到,…… (吴强《红日》217) And now Shi Donggen,intoxicated by the combined effects of victory and wine,his backside poised in the air above the horse’s back as he whirled along like the wind,happy and carefree,had had the unexpected misforture to be spotted by the army commander Shen Zhenxin.…


swift as the wind and quick as lightning
列车~般驶过。The train flashed past.

风驰电掣fēnɡ chí diàn chè

驰:奔跑;掣:闪过。像风一样急弛,象闪电一样闪过。比喻非常快,急闪而过。like lighting, like greased lighting, swift as the wind and quick as lighting, as quick as a flash, like the wind, burn up the road





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