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单词 风马牛不相及

风马牛不相及fēng mǎ niú bù xiāng jí

as different as chalk from cheese; as like as an apple to an oyster(/buckle-berry to a persimmon); be entirely.dif ferent from; have absolutely nothing to do with each other; be totally unconnected (/unrelated); have no relationship(/relevance) whatsoever with each other; have nothing in common with
❍ 宋其文问: “信老,你怎么忽然岔到英国人身上去了?这和我们的谈话内容,有点~啊!” (周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—498) Song Qiwen asked: “What’s the point of suddenly changing the subject and bringing the British into it,Xincheng?I don’t see that it’s got any bearing at all on what we’re talking about!”/君处北海,寡人处南海,唯是~也。(《左传·僖四年》) Your lordship’s place is by the northern sea,and mine is by the southern; so remote are our boundaries that our cattle and horses,in the heat of their excitement,cannot affect one another.

风马牛不相及feng ma niu bu xiang ji

have nothing to do with each other


be totally irrelevant;have nothing to do with each other

风马牛不相及fēnɡ mǎ niú bù xiānɡ jí

比喻事物之间毫无关系。have absolutely nothing to do with each other, as different as chalk from cheese, be totally unrelated





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