premise;prerequisite;presupposition;precondition;be predicated on
民主的~是法治。Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law./香港特区实行资本主义制度和政策,是以坚持一个中国、国家主体实行社会主义制度为~的。The practice of the capitalist system and policies in the HKSAR is predicated upon there only being one China and the practice of socialist system in the main body of China./这个决议的~和基础就是不言而喻的确认一个中国和台湾是中国的一部分。The prerequisite for and basis of this resolution is a clear recognition of one China and Taiwan as being a part of China./…问题政治解决的~必须是从…撤出全部外国军队。A political settlement of the… question must be predicated,on the withdrawal of all foreign forces from…/在承认中华人民共和国政府为中国唯一合法政府的~下on the premise of recognizing the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China/在服从协调和最低限价的~下subject to coordination and minimum prices prescribed by the state