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单词 风雨同舟

风雨同舟fēng yǔ tóng zhōu

in the same storm tossed boat—stand together through thick and thin(/storm and stress); help each other in distress;weather the same storms in the same boat
❍ 小米,本是生活中的极平凡的东西,可是这袋延安小米啊,却勾起我们当年~中的无限战斗的怀旧。(曹靖华《往事漫忆——小米加步枪》) Millet is after all something extremely common in our life. Yet this bag of millet from Yanan reminded us of the past times of our endless fighting when we weathered the same storms in the same boat.

风雨同舟feng yu tong zhou

in the same stormtossed boat—stand together through thick and thin


in the same storm-tossed boat;stand together through thick and thin; share weal and woe;help each other in distress;share the same fate with;cast in one’s lot with

风雨同舟fēnɡ yǔ tónɡ zhōu

比喻共同经历患难。stand together through thick and thin, weather the same storms in the same boat, be in the same boat





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更新时间:2025/3/7 11:29:26