law(法律的整体和一般);statute(最高立法机关制定的成文法);jus [拉](law,legal right,rule,principle)
~面前人人平等。All (people) are equal before the law./~源于事实。Ex facto jus oritur.[拉](The law arises out of the fact.)/遵守~abide by the law/违反~violate the law/执行~ enforcement of law/制定~enact a law/受~的保护protected by law/~保护legal protection/~博士(美)Juris Doctor;JD/~补救legal redress/~补救方法legal remedy /~冲突conflict of laws/~代表人legal representation/~地位legal status /~根据legal basis/~工作者lawyer/~工作者协会lawyers’association/~顾问legal adviser;legal counsel/~规定legal provision/~规定的as prescribed by law/~规定的范围limits as prescribed by law;(within the)framework of the law/~规定的权限limits of authority as prescribed by law / ~和规章law and regulation/~和秩序law and order/~化codified(into law); be institutionalized in the form of law/~权利 legal right/~人格juridical personality / ~ 实体juristic (or juridical)entity; legal entity/~手段legal means /~手续legal process/~硕士juris master(jm)/~诉讼legal proceeding;action at law/~体制legal regime/~条款(条文)legal provision/~委员会(第六委员会)(联合国) Legal Committee/~效力legal effect;legal validity/~协助legal assistance/~行动juridical action/~行为legal transaction /~行为能力legal capacity/~义务legal duty(or obligation)/~意见legal advice;opinio juris[拉](legal opinion)/~用语nomen juris[拉](a name of the law;a technical legal term)/~援助legal aid/《~援助条例》Legal Assistance Regulations/~责任legal liability/~争端legal dispute/~支持legal support/~主体legal subject /~秩序legal order /~制裁legal sanction/~追究be brought to justice /~咨询legal advice;legal consultancy service/~尊严legal sanctity;dignity of law
共同犯罪 joint crime
单位犯罪 unit crime
管制 control
拘役 criminal detention
有期徒刑 fixed-term imprisonment
无期徒刑 life imprisonment
量刑 sentencing
量刑不当 sentence disparity
累犯 recidivist
自首和立功 voluntary surrender and meritorious service
数罪并罚combined punishment for more than one crime
缓刑suspension of sentence
减刑reduction of penalty; commutation of sentence
危害国家安全罪 crime of endangering national security
人格权right of personality
人身权利right of person
合议庭collegial panel;collegiate body of judges
合议审判庭collegiate tribunal
刑事诉讼法criminal procedure law
民事诉讼法civil procedure law
申请回避withdrawal petition
辩护与代理defence and representation
强制措施compulsory measures
强制执行compulsory execution
附带民事诉讼incidental civil action
立案、侦查和提起公诉filing a case,investigation,and initiation of public prosecution
扣押物证、书证seizure of material evidence and documentary evidence
鉴定expert evaluation
侦查结果conclusion of investigation
自诉案件case of private prosecution
简易程序summary procedure
死刑复核程序procedure for review of death sentence
审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision
提审bring the case up for trial
抗诉present a protest;protest
人身保护状 habeas corpus
上诉法院(受理上诉的法院) appellate court