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单词 心不在焉

心不在焉xīn bù zài yān

absent-minded (ly);distracted; inattentive; not concentrate; not pay much attention (to…); one’s mind is elsewhere (/not in sth/on sth else/not present/wandering);one’s wits have gone (/run) woolgathering; vacant(ly); with an abstracted air (an air of abstraction)
❍ 但做起事情来有时显得很迂,也有通常一般学者的那种~的神气。(曹禺《明朗的天》14) Sometimes he appears very pedantic in what he does,and also a trifle absent-minded like most scholars.
❍ 生禄红着脸,扭头看看,~地说:“这稻地野滩里,草多。俺庄稼人也有叫不起名的。”(柳青《创业史》488) Turning his still red face,Shenglu looked,then said in an offhanded manner:“Many kinds of weeds grow in the rice paddies.We peasants don’t know the names of them all.”/她拿着一本小说,~地读着。(杨沫《青春之歌》51) She was trying to read a novel,but could not concentrate./(~)今晚上?那,我去看他。(夏衍《考验》53)(not paying much attention to her) This evening?I think I’ll go and see him.
❍ 成岗和他说话的时候,刘思扬感觉到,对方总是~,注意力很容易分散,而且多疑。常常一句话还没有说完,就中途停顿了。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》379)When Cheng Gong spoke to him,Liu Siyang could tell that his mind was on something else by the way he would often stop talking in the middle of a sen tence.
❍ ~,视而不见,听而不闻,食而不知其味。(《礼记·大学》) When the mind is not present,we look and do not see; we hear and do not understand; we eat and do not know the taste of what we eat.


absent-minded;inattentive;woolgathering;one’s mind wandering away

心不在焉xīn bù zài yān

焉:文言虚词,“于此”的意思。心不在这里,形容思想不集中。in the clouds absence of mind, absentminded, with one’s mind running on other things, abstracted, be woolgathering





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