思sīⅠ ❶ (思考;想) think; consider; deliberate: 多 ~ think more; 前 ~ 后想 think over again and again; 你在走这一步之前, 应当三 ~。 You must think twice before you take this step. ❷ (思念; 怀念) think of; long for: ~ 亲 think of one's parents with affection Ⅱ ❶ (思路) thought; thinking: 哀 ~ mourning; 文 ~ train of thought in writing ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 任发 Si Renfa 另见 see also sāi。 ◆思辨 analyse mentally; make intellectual enquiries; 思潮 trend of thought; ideological trend; thoughts; 思忖 [书] ponder; consider; 思凡 (said of monks, nuns, angels, etc.) think of worldly pleasures; 思过 feel remorse; repent; ponder [ruminate] upon one's faults; 思旧 think of old friends [times];思考 think deeply; ponder over; reflect on; deliberate; 思恋 long for sb. one loves; 思量 consider; turn sth. over in one's mind; weigh and consider; 思路 train of thought; thinking; mentality; 思虑 consider carefully; contemplate; deliberate; 思慕 think of sb. with respect; admire; 思念 think of; long for; remember fondly; yearn; miss; 思索 think deeply; ponder; speculate; 思维 {哲} thought; thinking; 思维定势 thinking set; 思维方式 way of thinking; 思乡 think of one's home; homesick; 思想 thought; thinking; idea; ideology; log-; logo-;思想政治教育 ideological and political education; 思绪 train of thought; thinking; 思绪万千 fill one's mind with a myriad of thoughts and ideas; A myriad of thoughts crowd into one's mind.; A thousand [confused] thoughts came to (one's) mind.; One's mind is in a whirl [tumult]. 思sīthinking; thought; pensiveness;contemplation |