怜(憐)lián ❶ (怜悯) feel tender toward; be sympathetic with; sympathize with; pity; be kind toward: 可 ~ pity; have pity on; 同病相 ~。 Those who have the same illness sympathize with each other.; Fellow sufferers commiserate with each other. ❷ (爱) love ◆怜爱 love tenderly; have tender affection for; show tender care for; have go on tiptoe; 怜才 have sympathy for talented persons; 怜悯 pity; take pity on; have compassion for; 怜悯心 (sense of) sympathy; 怜惜 take pity on; have pity for; feel tender and protective toward; 怜香惜玉 love a fragrant jade-like maid — to have a tender heart for the fair sex; be fond of women; have compassion for womanhood; tenderness toward women |