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单词 心中有数

心中有数胸中有数xīn zhōng yǒu shù

be well-grounded in the situation; have a clear idea (in one’s mind) of…; have a pretty good idea of how things stand; have a good idea of what sth is all about; have at command the ins and the outs (/background) of things; have got everything worked out;have sized up the situation; know fairly well;know what’s what; know the score; understand the whole thing
❍ 因为今天聚餐会轮他主持,他提早一小时来,和马慕韩他们初步交换过一点意见,心中有了数。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—251) Since it was his turn to preside today he had come an hour early and had begun exchanging views on the subject with Ma Muhan and the others,so that he now had a clearidea in his mind of what he was going to say./“这狐狸精真怪,为什么不来找我。我也想吃烘鱼腊肉呀。”李月辉心里有数,笑着打趣。(周立波《山乡巨变》297)“It’s very strange about this fox-spirit: why doesn’t she come for me? I’d like to eat smoked fish and cured pork too.” Having a good idea of what it was all about,Li Yuehui made a joke of it./“咱们哥儿俩,”梅佐贤打着北方人的腔调,说,“还讲那个。演戏就得演的逼真,越象越好。台上一套,台下一套; 当面一套,背后一套; 心里有数就是了。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—89)“What’s a thing like that between a pair of brothers like us?” said Mei Zuoxian in the Northern idiom.“When you’re acting a play you’ve got to act true to life,the more realistic the better. You’re one person on the stage and another one off it; one person to their face and another one behind their back; but you still know what you know inside your own head.”/总书记调查一两个农村,~了,就可以帮助同志们去了解农村,弄清农村的具体情况。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—308) When the general secretary of the Party has investigated one or two villages and knows what’s what,he will be able to help his comrades to become acquainted with the villages and get a clear idea of the concrete conditions there.
❍ 现在是哑巴吃蚕豆——黎元洪心中有了数,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—258) By then Li Yuanhong had begun to understand the whole thing.


having a pretty good idea of;knowing fairly well(/what's what)


have a clear idea of the situation;get a clear picture of the situation;know fairly well;know exactly what to do;know what’s what;know where one stands; know how things stand

心中有数中(里)xīn zhōnɡ yǒu shù

比喻知道事情的原委和底细。know what’s what, keep a mental note, be well-grounded in the situation, feel sure of





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