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单词 心之官则思

心之官则思xīn zhī guān zé sī

the office of the mind is to think; the office of thinking belongs to the mind
❍ 脑筋这个机器的作用,是专门思想的。孟子说:“~。”他对脑筋的作用下了正确的定义。凡事应该用脑筋好好想一想。(《毛泽东选集》902) This mechanism,the brain,has the special function of thinking. Mencius said,“The office of the mind is to think.” He defined the function of the brain correctly. We should always use our brains and think everything over carefully.
❍ ~;思则得之,不思则不得也。(《孟子·告子上》) To the mind belongs the office of thinking. By thinking,it gets the right view of things; by neglecting to think,it fails to do this.

心之官则思xīn zhī ɡuān zé sī

官:官能,功能;则:就;思:思考,思想。脑的功能就是思维。the function of the brain is thinking specially, the office of the mind is to think





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