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[书] (表示禁止或劝阻) no; not: ~ 贻后悔 do not do sth. that you'll regret; ~ 乃太简乎? Is it not too simple? ~ 妄言。 Don't talk nonsense. ~ 中奸计。 Don't fall into the treacherous plot. ~ 临渴而掘井。 Don't wait till you are thirsty to dig a well. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 雅 Wu Ya
◆ 毋车 a surname; 毋将 a surname; 毋宁 rather...(than); (not so much...) as; 毋丘 a surname; 毋求备于一人 Don't ask for perfection in any man.; 毋忘在莒 Don't forget national humiliation in time of peace and security.; remind not to forget the national humiliation but to recover the lost territory; 毋为戎首 Don't be the first to start a war [pick a fight].; 毋以善小而不为, 毋以恶小而为之 Don't think any vice trivial, and so practise it; don't think any virtue trivial, and so neglect it.; 毋庸 need not; 毋庸讳言 no need for reticence; 毋庸远虑 do not worry about the distant future; 毋庸置疑 beyond all doubt; allow of no doubt; be undisputed [undoubted]; not have the slightest doubt; It goes without saying that...; It is indisputable that...; There is no room for doubt that...; without (a) doubt; 毋庸赘言 need not go into the details; no need to repeat it; There is no necessity for repetition [reiteration].





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