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单词 闭门造车

闭门造车bì mén zào chē

make a cart behind closed doors—work behind closed doors; act blindly;divorce oneself from the masses and from reality;draw up plans all by oneself (/in isolation); work on some project without reference to what the world requires
❍ 什么地方学来的?他在那里‘~’!小胡子说着,把手里的印刷品向桌子上用力一甩。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》119)“Where did he get them from? Why,he’s dreaming them up while he’s shut away indoors!” As he said this,the Goatee hurled the duplicated sheets on the table with all his might.
❍ 他们的任务在于把群众政治家的意见集中起来,加以提炼,再使之回到群众中去,为群众所接受,所实践,而不是~,自作聪明,只此一家,别无分店的那种贵族式的所谓 “政治家”,…… (《毛泽东选集》823) Their task is to collect the opinions of these mass statesmen,sift and refine them,and return them to the masses,who then take them and put them into practice. They are therefore not the kind of aris tocratic “statesmen”who work behind closed doors and fancy they have a monopoly of wisdom.


make a cart behind closed doors;work on some project without reference to what the world requires;shut oneself from reality

闭门造车bì mén zào chē

比喻不进行调查研究,单凭主观想象办事。make a cart behind closed doors, work behind doors, act blindly





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