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单词 still


1. silent不做声的,沉默的。
△1H.IV.3.1.243 (239):“Then be still.”那么就别做声。
△2H.VI.1.1.249(248):“Then,York,be still awhile till time do serve.”那么,约克,就暂时沉默吧,等待时机合适再说。
△1H.VI.5.4.174:“Hang up your ensigns,let your drums be still.”收起你们的军旗,不要让你们战鼓出声。
△2H.VI.3.2.207:“Madam,be still,with reverence may I say;”娘娘,我可以恭恭敬敬地说,请你别做声。
△3H.VI.2.2.121:“Myliege,the wound that bred this meeting here / Cannotbe cured by words; therefore be still.”我的主上,导致这场会见的创伤是不能用言语治愈的;所以你就不要做声 了。
△R.III.4.4.17: “So many miseries have crazed myvoice / That my woe-wearied tongue is still andmute.”这样多的苦难使我的声音哭得嘶哑,不断的哀号使我的舌头变得沉默无声。
still rhetoric: silent eloquence无声的言语。
△L.L.L.2.1. 227 (229): “the heart's still rhetoric,”人心中的无声的言语。
2. low,soft低音的,柔和的。
△As.5.4.114(107)s.d.:“Still music.”柔和的音乐。
3. quiet,calm安静的,镇静的。
△Wiv.4.2.112(107):“still swine eats all the draff.” (Proverb) The quietsow eats all the hog's-wash. 安静的猪倒把泔水喝净。
△Oth.1.3.94:“A maiden,never bold; / Of spirit sostill and quiet that her motion / Blushed at herself;”她是一个从不放肆的姑娘;生性是那样娴静,心里有一点冲动,自己先要脸红。
△2H.VI.3.1.304: “No more,good York:Sweet Somerset,be still.”别吵了,好约克;亲爱的萨默塞特,安静点。
△H.VIII.Pro.11:“if they be still and willing”. 只要他们愿意安安静静(看下去)。
△H.VIII.3.2.381(380):“A still and quiet conscience.”一种镇定而平静的良心。
4. continual,constant不断的,经常的。
still use: constant habit经常的习惯。
△R.III.4.4.230:“But that still use of grief makes wild grief tame. /My tongue should to thy ears not name my boys”,要不是经常悲痛的习惯使我这狂野的悲痛驯服下来,我的舌头绝不会向你的耳朵提起我那两个孩子。


1. always,ever一直,总是。
△Gent.2.6.24:“For loveis still most precious in itself,”因为爱情本身才总是最宝贵的。
△Com.2.1.11:“Because their business still liesout o'door.”因为男人总是在外面奔走办事。
△L.L.L.2.1.50:“whose will still wills”. 他的意志使他一往无前。
△ Shr.4.1.210(207): “And with this clamour keepher still awake.”用这种吵闹使她一直醒着。
△Mid.1.1.212:“A time that lovers'flights doth still conceal,”这种时候总是掩护着情人们私逃。
△Mer.1.1.137(136):“And if it stand,as you yourself still do,/ Within theeye of honour,” 如果这个计划是合乎体面的(正像你一向做事都是合乎体面的)…
△Ado.1.1.121 (116): “I wonderthat you will still be talking,Signior Benedick,no-body marks you.”我很诧异:你总是这样谈下去,班尼狄克先生,可没人听你。
△As.1.2.243(226): “But I did findhim still mine enemy.”但他却总是与我为敌。
△As.1.3.76(73):“We still have slept together,”我们俩一向睡在一处。
△As.3.2.55(53):“Why,we are still handlingour ewes,”嗨,我们时常摸弄母羊。
△Tw.2.3.52(49):“What's to come is still unsure.”将来怎样,现在总难以确断。
△Tw.2.4.29: “Let still the woman take / An elder (= someone elder) than herself.”女人永远要嫁一个比她大些的。
△Tw.2.4.119(117):“for still we prove / Much in our vows,but little in our love.”因为我们永远是证明发誓太过,爱情不足。
△Tw. 3. 4. 418(381):“and he went / Still in (= he always wore) this fashion,colour,ornament,”他总是这样的打扮、服色、装饰。
2. continually,constantly,repeatedly不断地,经常地,反复地。
△Com.5.1.67:“Still did I tell him it was vile
bad. ”我不断地告诉他这种事是恶劣的。
△Gent.1.1.9: “love still”. i.e. go on loving. 一直爱下去吧。
△Com.5.1.389(387): “I see we still did meet each other's man.” 我明白了,我们不断地遇见彼此的仆人。
△Wiv.5.5.98(92): “As you trip,still pinch him to your time. ”一面跳舞,一面按着拍子不停地拧他。
△Mid.3.2.345:“Still thou mistak'st. / Or else commit'st thy >knaveries wilfully.”你不断地弄错,否则你就是有意戏弄人。
△Mer.1.1.17:“I should be still / Plucking the grass to know where sits the wind;”我得不断地拔草来了解风向。
△Mer.3.2.74: “The world is still deceived with ornament.”世人常常为表面的装饰所欺骗。
△Mer.4.1.118:“to live still”,i.e. to go on living. 继续活下去。
△1H.VI.1.2.41:“I think by some odd gimmors or device / Their arms are set,like clocks,still to strike on;”我想他们的胳膊,就像时钟一样,是安在什么古怪的启动器或者其他装置上,能够不住地敲打。
3. forever,always永远,一直。
△Rom.1.1.223(217):“Then she hath sworn that she will still live chaste?”那么她已经发誓终身守贞不嫁了吗?
△ Rom.2.2.172: “I shall forget,to have thee still stand there,”为了使你永久站在那里,我将永远想不起。
△Rom.2.2.174:“And I'll still stay,to have thee still forget.” 那么我就永久等着,好让你永久想不起。
△Rom.5.3.106:“For fear of that,I still will stay with thee,”生怕如此,我决心永远和你相伴。4. regularly通常地。
△Mer.4.1.269(268): “It is still her use / To let the wretched man outlive his wealth.”她的习惯通常是让可怜的人在失去财产之后还活着。
5. increasingly,even more更加。
△Ado.2.3.49(46):“It is the witness still of excellency”,那更是卓越的证明。
6. at one and the same time在同一时候。
△Lr.4.1.1:“Yet better thus,and known to be contemned,/ Thanstill contemned and flattered.” i.e. Yet it is betterlike this,to be fully aware of being despised ratherthan to be at the same time despised and flattered. 还是这样子明明知道自己受人鄙视,比表面上受人恭维同时背地里却受人鄙视要好多了。
7. now no less than before,all the same 仍然,依然。
△1H.VI.4.1.76: “I go,my lord,in heart desiringstill / You may behold confusion of your foes.”主上,我去了,仍然衷心希望让你看到敌人的灭亡。
Phrases :
still an end: still on end,continually连续不断地。
△Gent.4.4.68(62):“A slave,that still an end turns me to shame.”这个奴才总是给我丢脸。
still as: as often as,whenever每当,无论何时。
△R.III.1.2.31: “And still as you are weary of the weight,/Rest you,whiles I lament King Henry's corse.”每当你们抬得很累时,你们可以休息一下,这时我就对亨利王的遗体哀悼。will still be: be forever being,always insist on being永远都是,总坚持着要…
△R.III.3.1.126:“My lord ofYork will still be cross in talk; / Uncle,your Graceknows how to bear with him.”我的这位约克公爵说话总爱这么任性;叔父,你知道怎么宽容他。


vt. silence,quiet,calm 使不出声,使平静下来,使安静。
△Ado.3.3.69(65): “If you hear a child cry in thenight,you must call to the nurse and bid her still it.”如果你们夜里听到谁家孩子哭,一定要去喊醒奶妈,使她的孩子住声。
△1H.VI.2.3.15: “Is this the Talbot,so muchfeared abroad / That with his name the mothers stilltheir babes?”难道这就是那位到处受人畏惧的塔尔博特,母亲们只要 一提他的名字就能使小孩子不敢出声吗?


adv. 仍旧
◇better still还要好
still less更不用说
still more至于…更不必说
‖still air静止空气
still handstand静止手倒立
still life静物
still object静止目标
still rings静止吊环
still target静靶
still upstart慢拉上





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