坚甲利兵jiān jiǎ lì bīngstrong armour and sharp weapons; make one’s armour strong and weapons sharp—armed might ❍ 将必皆差论其爪牙之士。皆列其舟车之卒伍。於此为~。以往攻伐无罪之国。(《诸子集成》89)They all rank their warriors and arrange their boat and chariot forces; they make their armour strong and weapons sharp in order to attack some innocent state. ❍ 是岂无~也哉? 其所以统之者非其道故也。(《荀子》) Surely this did not come about because Chu lacked stout armor and sharp weapons. Rather it was because its leaders did not follow the proper way. ❍ 可使制梃,以达秦楚之~矣。(孟子·梁惠王上》) You will then have a people who can be employed,with sticks which they have prepared,to opose the strong mail and sharp weapons of the troops of Qin and Chu. 坚甲利兵jiān jiǎ lì bīnɡ指装备精良的武器。也指装备精良的军队。equipped with strong armor and sharp weapons, armed might, strong armor and sharp weapons |