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单词 闭门思过

闭门思过bì mén sī guò

dig out one’s mistakes behind a closed door; meditate on one’s own faults behind closed doors; ponder over one’s mistakes in solitude; reflect on one’s misdeeds in private; shut oneself up and ponder over one’s mistakes; shut one’s door and reflect on one’s misdeeds
❍ 小仙自知身获重罪,追悔莫及,惟有~,敬听天命。(李汝珍《镜花缘》六)Xiaoxian was well aware of his felony,and he knew that it was too late to repent. What he could do was merely to ponder over it in solitude behind the closed door and submit to the will of Heaven respectfully.

闭门思过bi men si guo

do rethinking behind closed doors

闭门思过bì mén sī ɡuò

关起门来,自我反省。shut oneself up and ponder over one’s mistakes, ponder over sth. in seclusion





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更新时间:2025/1/19 17:03:40