释义 |
死心塌地sǐ xīn tā dìbe dead set; be hell-bent on; be indulgently willing to; be a willing tool of;dye-in-the-wool; die-hard; resign oneself to doing sth ❍ 看样子,她对你还算不错,也不是那么~地帮助他们。(杨沫《青春之歌》310) And she doesn’t seem to treat you too badly,or to be a willing tool of the Songs. ❍ 我们打鬼子,只杀那些~的汉奸特务。(知侠《铁道游击队》452) We fight the Japanese and kill any of the dyed in-the-wool traitors and secret agents. ❍ 谁~帮鬼子,和铁道游击队作对,胡仰就是个样子。(知侠《铁道游击队》544) If anyone remained loyal to the Japanese and opposed the Railway Guerrilla Unit,he would end up like Hu Yang. ❍ 但是,倘说,你就~地从饭锅里装饭吃罢,那是不象样的;……(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—20) Naturallyit would not do to tell him to resign himself to getting rice from the pan. ❍ 我们所杀的是那些~的汉奸特务,对作错了事能够回心转意,愿意帮助抗日的人,我们是宽大的。(知侠《铁道游击队》333) We only kill traitors and the secret agents who serve the enemy whole-heartedly;but we’re lenient to those wrong-doers who are willing to reform and help in the anti-Japanese campaign. ❍ 他知道自己永远不能再回义军,就~为朝廷出力,…… (姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅰ—256) And knowing that he could never rejoin the insurgents,Gao had worked whole-heartedly for the government. …/“但是我爱她,我还是~般爱她。”我生气地跟他争辨,……(巴金《春天里的秋天》) “But I love her,love her with all my heart,” I argued angrily with him. ❍ 那呆子纵身跳起,口里絮絮叨叨,挑着担子,只得~,跟着前来。早到了路旁人家门首。(《西游记》267) Leaping up with a bound,Idiot was still muttering something as he picked up the pole with the luggage. He had no choice but to follow his companions with complete deter mination to the door of the house by the wayside. 死心塌地dead set; die-hard; totally; completely;with all one’s heart ~跟反动派走dead set in following the reactionaries/~的恐怖分子a die-hard (or dyedin-the-wool)terrorist 死心塌地sǐ xīn tā dì形容主意已定,不再改变。be dead set, dead set on, willingly and obediently |