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单词 weak


1. feeble. frail 微弱的,脆弱的。
△ 2H.IV.3.1.84:“whoin their seeds / And weak beginning lie intreasured.”它们的萌芽和微弱的开端是早已深深埋藏着的。
2. feeble,inefticacious 无力的,无效力的。
△R.III.3.1.37: “My Lord of Buckingham. if my weak oratory /Can from his mother win the Duke of York. / Anonexpect him here;”白金汉大人,如果我的笨拙无力的口才能把约克公爵从他母亲那里赢得过来,你就在这里等着他吧。
3. slight,thin 薄弱的,纤细的。
△ H.V.5.2.292 (269):“Dear Kate. you and I cannot be confined within theweak list of a country’s fashion.”亲爱的凯蒂,你和我不能被一个国家的习俗这么一种薄弱的障碍所限制。
4. slight,inefficacious,unqualified 薄弱的,无效力的,不合格的。
△H.V.2.4.46: “Which,of a weak and nig-gardly projection.”防御措施,如果在规划中只求简约节省。5. weak of mind,shallow. foolish. unqualified 智能薄弱的,浅薄的,愚蠢的,不合格的。
△H. VIII. 1.2. 81:“Whatwe oft do best./ By sick interpreters (once weakones) is Not ours. or not allowed;”我们所做的最好的事,在那些心怀妒忌的批评者(同时也都是智能薄弱的人)看来都不是我们做的,再不然就不予承认。
6. inconsiderable. poor,low 无足轻重的,不足道的,低下的。
△Ham.1.2.18:“Holding a weak supposal of ourworth,”对于我们的实力有一种无足道的看法。
7. (of troops) too small in number (指部队)数量太小的。
△ 3H.VI.4.5.7: “And often but attended with weakguard,”经常只有很少卫兵跟随着。
8. causing weakness,enfeebling 使人衰弱的。
△As.2.7.132:“two weak evils,age and hunger,”两种使人衰弱的不幸:年老和饥饿。
9. mean. contemptible 卑劣的,可鄙的。
△Rom.2.4.181(170):“and very weak dealing. ” i.e. a very mean deed. 非常卑鄙的行为。
weak age: old and sick persons年老衰病之人。
△H.V.1.1.15: “And to relief of lazars. and weak age.”为了救济那些患麻风病的叫花子和年老衰病之人。
weaker vessel: i.e. woman 软弱的器皿,(指)女人。
△2H.IV.2.4.64 (60):“you are the weaker vessel,asthey say,the emptier vessel.”(I Peter 3. 7: “ye hus-bands... giving honour unto the wife,as unto theweaker vessel.”)像人家说的,你本是软弱的器皿,中空的器皿。
The weakest goes to the wall: A proverb.In a streetfight the weakest are pushed against the wall by thestronger.(谚语)最软弱的人才被人挤到墙边。(街上打架,弱者总被强者推到墙边。)
△ Rom.1.1.17(13):“That showsthee a weak slave,for the weakest goes to the wall.”这正说明你是个软弱的奴才,因为最软弱的人才被人挤到墙边去。


◇ weak in the head 愚蠢
weak at 有欠缺
weak at the knees 站立不住
‖ weak alternation 弱式析取
weak area 防守薄弱的区域
weak argument 没有说服力的论点
weak aspects 弱项
weak compactness 弱紧性
weak conjugation 弱变化
weak consonant 弱辅音
weak converse theorem 弱逆定理
weak currency 疲软货币,弱势货币
weak disjunction 弱析取
weak evidence 不充分的证据
weak form 弱读式
weak integrability 弱可积性
weak intelligence 弱智
weak interaction 弱相互作用
weak jamming弱干扰
weak light 微光
weak market 疲软市场
weak mathematical induction 弱式数学归纳法
weak mood 弱式
weak normality 弱正规性
weak ordering 弱序
weak point 弱点
weak shooter 弱射
weak side 球场上人少的一侧,弱侧
weak-side outside pick play弱侧外围掩护进攻配合
weak-side pick play弱侧掩护进攻配合
weak-side play 弱侧进攻配合
weak signal 若信号
weak stroke 弱项姿势
weak verification 不充分的证实
weaken abate 减弱
weaker station 客运(货运)量小的中转站
weaker team 弱队
weaker tendency 下跌趋势
weakish adj.虚弱的,软弱的,淡的,无力的,疲软的
weakly adv.weak-willed adj. 意志薄弱的
weakness in construction 布阵
weakness of demand 需求疲软





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