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单词 wear


n. dress,costume 服装。
△As.2.7.34:“Motley'sthe only wear.”i.e. A fool's dress is the only thingfor one to wear;a fool's profession is really the onlyone that a wise man could think of adopting. 彩衣才是最好的装束(意即:一个聪明人最好是当傻子)。


1. carry as a part appendant to the body 带有。
△2H.VI.4.7.126(119):“The proudest peer in therealm shall not wear a head on his shoulders,unless he pay me tribute.”在这个国家里最骄傲的贵族,除非他向我纳贡,休想把他的脑袋戴在肩膀上。
2. bear. carry,have佩戴,携带,具有。
△Ham.3.2.77(72):“and I will wear him/In my heart's core,” the centre of my heart. 我要把他珍藏在心坎里。
△Mac.3.1.107 (106): “Who wear our health butsickly in his life,”i.e. Who are poor in health so longas he lives: Macbeth finds life dangerous while Ban-quo lives. 他活着,我的心病就不能好。
△Mac. 4.3.45:“When I shall tread upon the tyrant's head,/Or wearit on my sword.”一旦我脚踏那个暴君的头颅,或者把它悬挂在我的剑上。
△1H.IV.1.3.162:“And for his sake wearthe detested blot / Of murderous subornation -”并且为了他的缘故而蒙上挑唆杀人的可憎污点。
△R.III.3.2.91(92): “They,for their truth,might better wear theirheads/Than some that have accused them wear theirhats.”他们的忠心应该使他们好好保持着他们的头颅,比那些控告他们的人头上的官帽更稳呢。
3. enjoy and possess as one's own. enjoy 享有,享受。
△ Mac.4.3. 33:“wear thou thy wrongs,”享受你那不义收获吧。
△1H.IV.4.3.54: “My father and my uncleand myself/ Did give him that same royalty hewears.”我的父亲、我的叔父和我自己给了他现在所享有的这种帝王之尊。
△H.V.5.2.248 (231): “Thou hast me,ifthou hast me,at the worst; and thou shalt wear me.if thou wear me,better and better:”如果你现在接受我,你是在我最难看的时候接受了我;但是如果你今后享有我,你会越来越喜爱我的。
△R.III.4.2.5:“But shall we wear theseglories for a day?/ Or shall they last,and we rejoicein them?”但是这些荣华富贵我只能享受一天吗? 还是可以长期存在,让我继续快快乐乐享受?
4. put in use,use使用。
△Ado.2.1.343 (328): “YourGrace is too costly to wear every day.”殿下是太贵重了.不好每天用。
△Lr.1.4.184 (168): “And know not howtheir wits to wear,”有了头脑不知道怎样使用。
△Oth. 3.3.198:“Wear your eyes thus,not jealous nor secure.”睁开眼睛看,既不要疑嫉,也不要太相信。
5. spend,pass消磨,度过。
△H.VIII.2.4.225 (228):“weare contented / To wear our mortal state to comewith her,”我情愿与她共同度过我今后的尘世生涯。
6. consume消耗。
△Shr.3.2.121 (118): “what shewill wear in me”,她将来所消耗我的一切。
7. consume,waste away,destroy by degrees消耗,耗损,逐渐地毁坏。
△3H.VI.3.2.50:“He plies her hard,andmuch rain wears the marble.”(Proverbial)他对她紧紧追逼,雨水不停下,坚石能磨穿。
8. wear out,weary使疲乏,使厌倦。
△As.2.4.38:“Wearing thy hearer in thy mistress'praise,”喋喋不休称赞着你的恋人,使得听者生厌。
9. carry... about with one in one's heart (在心里)怀有。
△2H.IV.5.2.51:“Sorrow so royally in youappears / That I will deeply put the fashion on / Andwear it in my heart.”悲伤在你们脸上流露得如此壮丽动人,我也要庄严地仿效你们,并且把悲伤深深放在心里。
~ vi.
1. waste away 浪费。
△Wiv.5.1.8 (7):“Away. I say.time wears,”好,去吧,时间都浪费了。
2. pass away 消逝。
△1H.IV.2.4.446 (400): “thoughthe camomile. the more it is trodden on,the faster it grows. yet youth. the more it is wasted,the sooner itwears. ” (Falstaff is imitating a manner of speech called euphuism,from John Lyly’s prose romance“Euphues”,published in 1578.) 虽然春黄菊越被人践踏就生长得越快,但青春却是越浪费就越迅速消逝。
3. grow fitted by use (as clothes become suited to thewearer),adapt oneself 逐渐适应。
△Tw.2.4.30: “sowears she to him;” i.e. for by so doing she adaptsherself to him. 这样她才能适应他。
wear one’s cap with suspicion: An allusion to thepopular jest that a cuckold (husband of an unfaithfulwife) gets horns. So,when a cuchold wears his cap,he would be suspected that he uses it to hide hishorns. 戴上帽子,即受怀疑(即被人疑为用帽子遮掩额头上的角——绿头巾)。
△Ado.1.1.207 (197): “hath not theworld one man but he will wear his cap with suspi-cion?”难道世界上连一个戴帽子时不受怀疑的男人也没有吗?
wear out: ❶ consume,impair by use 消耗,用坏。
△Ado. 3. 3. 147 (139): “the fashion wears out moreapparel than the man.” i. e. Clothes are more oftendiscarded because the fashion has changed than be-cause they are worn-out. 流行的服装式样比人穿破了更多的衣服。
❷use up. exhaust,run through 用尽,耗尽,挥霍完。
△H.V.5.2.132 (128):“I wear out my suit.”我求爱的话就用尽了。
△H.VIII.1.3.15: “That,sure,they’veworn out Christendom.”看来,基督教世界的一切服装他们都穿得不想穿了。
❸efface from the mind. forget,giveup 从心上抹去.忘记,对…断念。
△Ado.2.3.220 (201):“Let her wear it out with good counsel.”让她好好想一想,日久也就淡忘了。
❹ waste or destroy by degrees 渐渐消耗,渐渐摧毁。
△Ado.2.3.222 (203): “Nay,that’s im-possible; she may wear her heart out first.”不,那是不可能的:那样,她自己的心先要碎了。
❺come to the end of 直到…的结束。
△2H.IV.5.1.88 (79): “the wearing outof six fashions,”直到六种时尚的结束。
△Lr.5.3.17: “and we’ll wearout,/ In a walled prison,packs and sects of greatones,/ That ebb and flow by the moon.”我们在这高墙围绕的牢狱中,可以看着那些结党营私的大人物们随着月亮的圆缺而升沉,以至烟消云散。


n.服装 v. 穿,戴
◇ be in general wear 流行一时,人人爱穿
be the worse for wear 被用坏,被穿坏
be weary of 对…感到厌烦
come into wear 成为流行式样,时兴
different clothes for a new season换季服装
in wear 时髦
wear away(使)磨损(灭),磨,虚度
wear down 磨掉,使疲惫不堪
wear mourning for sb.戴(带)孝
wear on 慢慢消失
wear out 消瘦,耗尽
wear well经久耐用
‖ campus wear 学生装
casual wear 便服
children’s wear 童装
lady’s wear 女服
man’s wear 男装
sports wear 运动装
under wear 内衣
wear and tear 亏蚀,损耗
wear table 磨损表
weariness n. 磨损,耐久
weary adj. 疲倦的







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