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(形容笑声、机关枪的射击声等) rattle;gurgle:把门摇得 ~ ~ 地响;rattle at the door;~ ~ 地笑 chuckle;gurgle;laugh loudly;
机枪 ~ ~ 地响个不停。 The machine gun rattled away.
另见 see also ɡé。
◆格格大笑 scream with laughter;
格格声 rattle


Ⅰ ❶ (方格) check;squares formed by crossed lines;grid;lattice:方 ~ 纸 squared paper;graph paper
❷ (格子) division (horizontal or otherwise):(药水用法说明)每服一小 ~。 Dose:one measure each time. 这书架有五 ~。 This bookcase has five shelves.
❸ (规格;格式) standard;shape;form;pattern;style:品 ~ one's character and morals;
资 ~ qualification;
别具一 ~ have a style of its own;original in style or design
❹ (某些语言中名词、代词、形容词的词法范畴) case:主 ~ the nominative case;
宾 ~ the objective case;
所有 ~ the possessive case
❺ (姓氏) a surname:~ 班 Ge Ban Ⅱ ❶ [书] (阻碍;限制) resist;hinder;obstruct;impede:~ 于规定 be barred by regulations
❷ [书] (推究) study carefully;probe into:~ 物 study the phenomena of nature
❸ (打) fight
另见 see also ɡē。
◆格点 grid point;lattice point;
格调 (literary or artistic) style;[书] one's style of work as well as one's moral quality;
格斗 grapple;wrestle;fistfight;melee;strife;
格格不入 be misfits;be like a round peg in a square hole;be like square pegs in round holes;be ill-adapted to ...;be out of tune with sb.;cannot fit into ...;cannot fit one another;cannot get along with one another;feel oneself in a false position;feel out of one's element;incongruous;
格更 teacher (西藏语);格架 screenwork;grillage;grillwork;
格局 pattern;setup;structure;style;manner;arrangement;
格拉夫方法 {数} Graeffe's method;
格里历 the Gregorian calendar;
格林尼治 Greenwich;
格陵兰 Greenland;
格鲁吉亚 Georgia;
格律 rules and forms of classical poetic composition (with respect to tonal pattern,rhyme scheme,etc.);{地质} regime;
格论 lattice theory;
格杀勿[不]论 kill with lawful authority;kill anybody who puts up resistance;kill those who resist,with lawful authority;capture and summarily excecute;
格筛 diagrid;grating;grate;grizzly;bar grizzly;
格栅 grille;grillage;grilling;grizzly screen;
格栅式储蓄器 grid-type accumulator;
格式 form;layout;pattern;format;mode;style;
格条 lattice bar;riffle;lace bar;
格图 trellis diagram;
格外 especially; all the more; extraordinarily; exceptionally;
格网 {图} grid;
格纹 check;
格物致知 study the phenomena of nature in order to acquire knowledge;Extension of knowledge lies in the investigation of things.;pursue to the very source of knowledge;researches of natural science;study the nature of things;
格言 maxim;motto;aphorism;an established maxim;
格阳 refusing yang;
格阴 refusing yin;
格子 cell;lattice;check;chequer;treillage;grating;grid









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